Creative Writing Minor - Undergraduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.


Complete one (1) of the following genre options:


    Complete the following 3 requirement(s) for 18 semester hours:


      Complete the following 3 courses for 9 semester hours:

      ENWR 213 Introduction to Fiction Writing (3 hours lecture) 3
      ENWR 311 Intermediate Fiction Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
      ENWR 411 Advanced Fiction Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3

      Complete one ENGL or ENLT course in FICTION. (Minor advisor must submit credit adjustment).


      Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours in genres other than fiction:

      1. (ENWR 250 may be used if the topic is a field of creative writing. See minor advisor for credit adjustment).

        ENWR 205 Creative Nonfiction (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 212 Introduction to Poetry Writing (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 215 Beginning Drama Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 312 Intermediate Poetry Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 318 Intermediate Drama Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 412 Advanced Poetry Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        FILM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting (3 hours lecture) 3
        THTR 391 Playwriting (3 hours lecture) 3
      2. 1 of the following may also be used:

        ENFL 310 Screenwriting I (3 hours lecture) 3
        FILM 310 Screenwriting I (3 hours lecture) 3
      3. 1 of the following may also be used:

        ENFL 410 Screenwriting II (3 hours lecture) 3
        FILM 410 Screenwriting II (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete the following 3 requirement(s) for 18 semester hours:


      Complete the following 3 courses for 9 semester hours:

      ENWR 212 Introduction to Poetry Writing (3 hours lecture) 3
      ENWR 312 Intermediate Poetry Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
      ENWR 412 Advanced Poetry Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3

      Complete one ENGL or ENLT course in POETRY. (Minor advisor must submit credit adjustment).


      Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours in genres other than poetry:

      1. (ENWR 250 may be used if the topic is a field of creative writing. See minor advisor for credit adjustment).

        ENWR 205 Creative Nonfiction (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 213 Introduction to Fiction Writing (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 215 Beginning Drama Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 311 Intermediate Fiction Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 318 Intermediate Drama Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        ENWR 411 Advanced Fiction Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
        FILM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting (3 hours lecture) 3
        THTR 391 Playwriting (3 hours lecture) 3
      2. 1 of the following may also be used:

        ENFL 310 Screenwriting I (3 hours lecture) 3
        FILM 310 Screenwriting I (3 hours lecture) 3
      3. 1 of the following may also be used:

        ENFL 410 Screenwriting II (3 hours lecture) 3
        FILM 410 Screenwriting II (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

ENFL310: Screenwriting I (3 hours lecture)

The art and craft of writing for the screen will be both studied and practiced. After studying the fundamentals of effective cinematic story construction and dialogue writing, students will be required to write a half hour film script. Cross listed with Art and Design, FILM 310. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENFL 208 and FILM 230.

ENFL410: Screenwriting II (3 hours lecture)

This course is a continuation of Screenwriting I in which each student will work on a major screenwriting project: two one-half hour episodes, an hour long script or a first draft of a feature film. In developing the project, the individual needs of the student will be addressed. Cross listed with Art and Design, FILM 410. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FILM 310 or ENFL 310.

ENWR205: Creative Nonfiction (3 hours lecture)

Advanced writing skills with stress on developing a personal writing style, adapting writing style to various subjects and audiences and experimenting with different modes of exposition. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.

ENWR212: Introduction to Poetry Writing (3 hours lecture)

Introduction to techniques of writing poetry alongside basic instruction in form and prosody. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.

ENWR213: Introduction to Fiction Writing (3 hours lecture)

Introduction to techniques of writing fiction, with an emphasis on the building blocks of narrative. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.

ENWR215: Beginning Drama Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Introduction to writing and evaluating dramatic dialogue with consideration of the problems of form, characterization and action. Usually students will complete a one-act play. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.

ENWR311: Intermediate Fiction Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Intermediate practice in techniques of writing fiction, with an emphasis on longer, more complex material. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 213 and departmental approval.

ENWR312: Intermediate Poetry Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Intermediate practice in writing poetry through reading, workshops, and exercises in form and technique. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 212 and departmental approval.

ENWR318: Intermediate Drama Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Intermediate writing of one-act and/or full-length plans with class analysis, conferences, and staged readings. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 215 and departmental approval.

ENWR411: Advanced Fiction Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Fiction writing with intensive class analyses, individual conferences, and completion of a capstone project. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 311 and departmental approval.

ENWR412: Advanced Poetry Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Poetry writing with intensive class analyses, individual conferences, and completion of a capstone project. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 312 and departmental approval.

FILM230: Introduction to Screenwriting (3 hours lecture)

An introduction to the art of screenwriting through short writing exercises; analysis of produced screenplays and films along with the completion of a short screenplay. Students will be expected to develop creative as well as technical aspects of the craft. Previous course ARFM 230 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

FILM310: Screenwriting I (3 hours lecture)

The art and craft of writing for the screen will be both studied and practiced. After studying the fundamentals of effecive cinematic story construction and dialogue writing, students will be required to write a half hour film script. Cross listed with English, ENFL 310. Previous course ARFM 310 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENFL 208 and FLIM 230.

FILM410: Screenwriting II (3 hours lecture)

This is a more advanced course in which students will work on a major screen writing project of their choosing. Students will have the option to develop and write a senior thesis film, serialized narratives or longer dramas. Particular attention will be paid to honing dramatic structure, visual language and character development. Cross listed with Art and Design, ENFL 410. Previous course ARFM 410 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FILM 310 or ENFL 310.

THTR391: Playwriting (3 hours lecture)

The creation of an original script suitable for production. The cause to effect play will be investigated as well as newer trends in theatre. Investigation of marketing possibilities and the preparation of scripts for submission. Students should have a background in the technique and artistic aspects of the theatre. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 208 or departmental approval.

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