English Major (B.A.) - Undergraduate (Combined B.A./M.A.T. with Teacher Certification in English (Preschool-Grade 12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities) - 2012 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The Dual Degree Dual Certification program is a 5-year program that leads to teacher certification in English (grades P-12), teacher certification in Teacher of Students with Disabilities, a baccalaureate degree and a master’s degree. Interested students must apply to and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program as an undergraduate. Students must successfully complete the undergraduate portion of the program in order to be admitted to the Graduate School and complete the one-year master’s portion of the program.
Please visit the Teacher Education Program website for the required undergraduate professional sequence of courses, overall course outline, and other important Program requirements, guidelines, and procedures. Students also are strongly advised to review the Teacher Education Program Handbook.
A minimum of 120 semester hours of coursework is required for the baccalaureate degree with a minimum 2.0 overall GPA, and a minimum 2.0 major GPA. However, more than 120 semester hours may be required depending upon the major field of study. In addition to the major requirement outlined below, all university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree (for further information, see General Education Requirements).
Complete 37 semester hours including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete the following 4 courses for 13 semester hours:
ENFL 208 Introduction to the Film (3 hours lecture) 3 ENGL 300 The Pursuits of English (4 hours lecture) 4 ENGL 305 Young Adult Literature (3 hour lecture) 3 ENWR 220 Writing in the Major: the Analytic Essay (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 24 semester hours from the following as prescribed by a departmental advisor:
Course Descriptions:
ENFL208: Introduction to the Film (3 hours lecture)
The history and aesthetics of film from its beginning to the present, with special attention to the evolution of technique, influential art movements and national cinemas, pivotal directors and films. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.
ENGL300: The Pursuits of English (4 hours lecture)
An inquiry into what constitutes contemporary literary study: its subject matter and its underlying goals and methods. Students study literary and cinematic texts of various genres, as well as literary criticism and theory; inquire into the nature of authorship and of texts; examine and expand their ways of reading, interpreting, and writing about texts; trace the relation of literary criticism to theory; consider the relation of literary study to issues of power; and develop independent habits of thought, research, discussion and analytic writing that are informed by literary theory and criticism. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 220, ENGL 333, ENGL 234, ENGL 237, ENGL 238, ENGL 240, ENGL 241, ENGL 247, ENGL 250, ENLT 206, ENLT 207, ENGL 260, ENGL 262, ENGL 263. Starting Spring 2013: ENFL 208 or ENFL 251 or ENFL 255 or ENFL 260 or ENFL 265 or ENGL 234 or ENGL 237 or ENGL 238 or ENGL 239 or ENGL 240 or ENGL 241 or ENGL 250 or ENGL 256 or ENGL 260 or ENGL 262 or ENGL 263 or ENGL 270 or ENGL 280 or ENGL 294 or ENLT 206 or ENLT 207 or ENLT 230 or ENLT 235 or ENLT 240 or ENLT 250 or ENGL 260 or ENLT 274 or ENWR 220.
ENGL305: Young Adult Literature (3 hour lecture)
Students will read a broad representation of Young Adult fiction and concomitant theoretical essays and critical articles. Students will explore the issues surrounding what youths read, the books taught in our nation's schools, the constructs these texts espouse to their intended audiences and what such works reveal about the socio-culturl contexts within which they were produced. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENGL 300, ENLT206, ENLT 207, ENLT 260, ENLT 274, ENGL 234, ENGL 238, ENGL 240, ENGL 241, ENGL 260, ENGL 262, ENGL 263, ENGL 275, ENGL 294 or ENGL 333.
ENWR220: Writing in the Major: the Analytic Essay (3 hours lecture)
Organized around individual instructors' chosen topic or theme, this course will focus on the development of students' skills in writing thesis-driven analytic essays about literary and cultural texts. Students will strengthen their reading and analytic abilities, using those skills to construct sophisticated arguments. Students will learn and apply the vocabulary, writing conventions, research methods, and documentation practices of the discipline. Students will write 5000-6000 words of formal prose and regularly revise their essays with feedback from peers and the instructor. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in English. Recommended but not required as a precursor to Pursuits of English. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101. English majors only.
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