Nutrition and Exercise Science Certificate Program - Graduate - 2012 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Office: University Hall, Room 4111
Phone: (973) 655-5253
Chairperson in Health and Nutrition Sciences: Amanda Birnbaum
Office: University Hall, Room 4161
Phone: (973) 655-4154
Graduate Coordinator in Exercise Science and Physical Education: Michele Fisher
Office: University Hall, Room 4109
Phone: (973) 655-7120
Graduate Coordinator in Health and Nutrition Sciences: Shahla Wunderlich
Office: University Hall, Room 4018
Phone: (973) 655-4373
Complete 15 semester hours - 16 semester hours including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete 4 courses for 12 semester hours:
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours-4 semester hours from:
Course Descriptions:
NUFD501: Principles of Nutrition (4 hours lecture)
Topics include advanced study of the biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition with emphasis on vitamins, minerals, lipids, protein, carbohydrate, water and energy. 4 sh.
NUFD560: Advanced Nutrition Counseling for Diverse Population Groups (3 hours lecture)
Topics include ethnic variations in health care beliefs; culturally sensitive nutrition counseling skills, developmental skills and dietary behaviors of children, adolescents and aging adults and nutrition counseling approaches for these age groups. Six hours of nutrition counseling clinical experience required. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: NUFD 482.
NUFD577: Social Marketing in Nutrition (3 hours lecture)
Social Marketing in Nutrition course entails a comprehensive view of the applications of social marketing in the design, implementation, and evaluation of nutrition education programs. Social marketing is an audience-centered approach that focuses on multiple, reinforcing channels of communication along with environmental changes to influence behavior. Highlights of social marketing will be presented in light of its usefulness and applicability to nutrition education. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Basic nutrition course or departmental approval.
NUFD580: Current Applications in Nutrition (3 hours lecture)
This course enables students to develop detailed and in-depth knowledge of recent findings in human nutrition and to apply this knowledge by learning how to write a grant application for funding. Emphasis is placed on the critical review and analysis of recent developments in nutrition research and developing a successful proposal. 3 sh.
NUFD581: Nutrition Education (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed to provide students with skills for developing, implementing, evaluating and funding nutrition education programs for populations with various demographic characteristics. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or 192, and BIOL 243 or equivalent.
NUFD585: Food and Nutrition Issues (3 hours lecture)
An investigation of current issues in food and nutrition with an emphasis on consumer, food industry, government and professional perspectives. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: NUFD 382.
PEMJ508: Management and Supervision in Sport and Fitness (3 hours lecture)
In this course, students engage in an in-depth analysis of a variety of approaches used in the management and supervision of athletic and fitness programs in both public and private sectors. They examine administrative/manager functions for facility manangement, budgeting, personnel evaluation, technology-based scheduling, and fundraising. 3 sh.
PEMJ539: Advanced Exercise Physiology (3 hours lecture)
An advanced course in exercise physiology. Topics include muscular contraction; bioenergetics; energy expenditure; acid-base balance; gas exchange; and the cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, and nervous system responses to acute exercise. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in Exercise Physiology.
PEMJ540: Applied Exercise Physiology (3 hours lecture)
An advanced course in applied exercise physiology. Topics include physiological adaptations to chronic exercise, dietary manipulation, pharmacological intervention, and environmental stressors; the underlying mechanisms affecting those physiological adaptations; and the effect of those adaptations on human physical performance. Body composition assessment and interventions to change body composition are also discussed. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ541: Aerobic Exercise: Testing and Programming (3 hours lecture)
This course focuses on developing the skills necessary to conduct aerobic fitness testing and to prepare aerobic exercise prescriptions/programs. Topics include aerobic fitness testing protocols, assessment of various physiological variables during exercise testing, and aerobic exercise prescription/programs for healthy and special populations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ543: Anaerobic Exercise: Testing and Programming (3 hours lecture)
The course is an advanced course in neuromuscular resistance training and conditioning and flexibility training. Topics include anaerobic and flexibility fitness testing protocols, and anaerobic and flexibility exercise prescriptions/programs for healthy and special populations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ546: Principles of Sports Conditioning (3 hours lecture)
A course in scientific principles of sports conditioning. Training principles and exercise programming will be applied for developing strength, speed, power, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Additional topics include sports nutrition, ergogenic aids, body composition, environmental considerations, fitness testing, overtraining, and sports conditioning management. 3 sh.
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