Exercise Science and Physical Education, Exercise Science Concentration (M.A.)- Graduate - 2012 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Office: University Hall, Room 4109
Phone: (973) 655-7120
Email: fisherm@mail.montclair.edu
The graduate program in Exercise Science and Physical Education provides students the opportunity to pursue advanced study in the general field of exercise science and physical education, and to enhance proficiency in an area of concentration. Concentrations are offered in Exercise Science, Sports Administration and Coaching, and Teaching and Supervision in Physical Education. Many of the courses in this program are offered in a hybrid format in which some of the class meetings take place in the classroom while the remaining class sessions are conducted online. Facilities for learning activities and research in motor learning, biomechanics, and exercise physiology are provided in the state-of-the art Human Performance Laboratory and the Physical Education Activity Laboratory in University Hall.
The concentration in Exercise Science is designed to cultivate knowledge and skills necessary for conducting individualized exercise programs and managing fitness facilities in a commercial, corporate, or clinical setting. A balance of exercise science theory and practical application, coursework is designed to enhance skills regarding the development of aerobic and anaerobic exercise programs for athletes, healthy adults, and individuals with various health challenges. At the completion of this program students are prepared for taking the prestigious ACSM and NSCA fitness certifications. A recent addition to this program is a course in management and supervision of sport and fitness programs, a plus for those pursuing an administrative position in the fitness industry.
Complete 33 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):
Complete 2 requirements:
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
PEMJ 502 Methods of Inquiry and Analysis (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 of the following options:
Complete for 3 semester hours.
PEMJ 598 Applied Project 3 -
Complete for 3 semester hours.
PEMJ 594 Internship in Sport and Exercise Science 3 -
Complete for 6 semester hours.
PEMJ 505 Research Design (3 hours seminar) 3 PEMJ 603 Research Project 3
Complete 6 courses for 18 semester hours:
Complete 9 semester hours if choosing Capstone option A or B,6 semester hours if choosing option C of graduate level electives.
Course Descriptions:
PEMJ502: Methods of Inquiry and Analysis (3 hours lecture)
An introduction to the theory and design of historical, descriptive and experimental methods of research in physical education, sport and exercise science. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be applied to various methods of inquiry, including qualitative and quantitative approaches to research. 3 sh.
PEMJ505: Research Design (3 hours seminar)
Provides for the examination of current research topics in physical education, sport, and exercise sciences. Each student will conduct an in-depth review and analysis of literature related to a specific research topic, and develop a formal research proposal. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: PEMJ 502.
PEMJ508: Management and Supervision in Sport and Fitness (3 hours lecture)
In this course, students engage in an in-depth analysis of a variety of approaches used in the management and supervision of athletic and fitness programs in both public and private sectors. They examine administrative/manager functions for facility manangement, budgeting, personnel evaluation, technology-based scheduling, and fundraising. 3 sh.
PEMJ521: Technology Integration in Exercise Science and Physical Education (3 hours lecture)
This course provides the fundamentals of current technologies in the three following areas: (a) integrating technology in the classroom to introduce teachers to those aspects of educational technology that are designed to facilitate teaching and learninng; (b) integrating technology in the fitness lab to introduce teachers and fitness specialists to computer-based health-management systems that allow for exercise evaluation, nutrition evaluation and health-risk assessments; and (c) using technology to manage the professional office including document processing, spreadsheet applications, database management, graphic construction, and communications. 3 sh.
PEMJ531: Practicum in Adapted Physical Education
A class that provides students with the opportunity to work directly with people with disabilities in the school or agency setting. Class sessions will also be scheduled to discuss current issues in inclusive and adapted physical activity classrooms and to further elaborate on appropriate pedagogical techniques to be used within the classroom. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: PEMJ 351 or departmental approval.
PEMJ539: Advanced Exercise Physiology (3 hours lecture)
An advanced course in exercise physiology. Topics include muscular contraction; bioenergetics; energy expenditure; acid-base balance; gas exchange; and the cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, and nervous system responses to acute exercise. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in Exercise Physiology.
PEMJ540: Applied Exercise Physiology (3 hours lecture)
An advanced course in applied exercise physiology. Topics include physiological adaptations to chronic exercise, dietary manipulation, pharmacological intervention, and environmental stressors; the underlying mechanisms affecting those physiological adaptations; and the effect of those adaptations on human physical performance. Body composition assessment and interventions to change body composition are also discussed. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ541: Aerobic Exercise: Testing and Programming (3 hours lecture)
This course focuses on developing the skills necessary to conduct aerobic fitness testing and to prepare aerobic exercise prescriptions/programs. Topics include aerobic fitness testing protocols, assessment of various physiological variables during exercise testing, and aerobic exercise prescription/programs for healthy and special populations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ542: Applied Cardiac Rehabilitation (3 hours lecture)
The course is designed to provide the student with current information regarding the application of scientific and programming principles of cardiac rehabilitation in a variety of settings. Students are also given the opportunity to work with actual cardiac rehabilitation patients in an appropriate hospital setting. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ543: Anaerobic Exercise: Testing and Programming (3 hours lecture)
The course is an advanced course in neuromuscular resistance training and conditioning and flexibility training. Topics include anaerobic and flexibility fitness testing protocols, and anaerobic and flexibility exercise prescriptions/programs for healthy and special populations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in exercise physiology.
PEMJ546: Principles of Sports Conditioning (3 hours lecture)
A course in scientific principles of sports conditioning. Training principles and exercise programming will be applied for developing strength, speed, power, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Additional topics include sports nutrition, ergogenic aids, body composition, environmental considerations, fitness testing, overtraining, and sports conditioning management. 3 sh.
PEMJ548: Practicum in Individualized Exercise Programs
This course provides the student the opportunity for practical experience in the application of individualized exercise prescriptions for asymptomatic and/or symptomatic individuals in a variety of nonschool settings. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Completion of required courses within area of specialization in exercise sciences (12 s.h.) or permission of instructor.
PEMJ552: Seminar in Current Problems in Athletics (3 hours seminar)
The organization, planning and administration of intramural and interscholastic sports programs for men and women. Program development, scheduling, promotion and conduct of the program and personnel selection. Other persistent problems identified by the students will be discussed as will trends in such areas as sports media, coaching and officiating. 3 sh.
PEMJ554: Orientation to Sports Medicine (3 hours lecture)
An introductory course in the prevention and basic care of selected injuries and sudden illness in athletes. Students receive training and certification in sport safety including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, and use of an automated external defibrillation device. They also develop strategies for minimizing risk of athletes in a sport setting. 3 sh.
PEMJ575: Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Sport and Physical Education (3 hours lecture)
The historical development of modern physical education programs. The sociological factors affecting behavior in modern society applied to teaching and coaching situations. 3 sh.
PEMJ580: Independent Study in Physical Education
An experience in the pursuit of study of topics which may be outside the scope of regular curricular offerings or may be an extension of a course or courses. May be repeated for a maximum of 3.0 credits. Completion and approval of independent study application form required prior to registration. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
PEMJ592: Selected Topics in Exercise Science and Physical Education (3 hours lecture)
In this course, students engage in an in-depth theoretical and practical study of a current aspect of exercise science, sport or physical education. Topics will be determined prior to the course offering and will be publicized. This course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
PEMJ594: Internship in Sport and Exercise Science
A supervised field experience in the application of knowledge and skills related to an area of specialization in sport of exercise science. A formal written report of the completed internship outcomes is to be submitted to the faculty of the Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 21 credits in the program, including PEMJ 502.
PEMJ598: Applied Project
Guidance in conducting an applied project in physical education, sport or exercise science. Each student is required to develop a tangible product such as position paper, journal article, action research investigation, instructional videotape/CD ROM, review of curriculum, policy manual, etc. A formal written report of the completed project is to be submitted to the faculty of the Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 21 credits in the program, including PEMJ 502.
PEMJ603: Research Project
Guidance is provided in developing and conducting a research project in physical education. Each student is required to conduct an investigation of a specific problem and to submit a written report of the completed project to the faculty of the department of physical education. Full year course. Register fall only. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: PEMJ 502 and PEMJ 505.
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