Teaching, with Teacher Certification in Earth Science (Preschool-Grade 12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities (M.A.T.) Graduate (Combined B.A./M.A.T.) - 2012 University Catalog

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The Bachelor's/MAT Dual-Certification Inclusive Education Program provides students with the opportunity to receive both a bachelor's and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree with teacher certification in both general education and special education.  The program is designed to help teachers develop competencies needed to teach students who have disabilities along with those who do not.

In this program, students complete general education and major requirements and an initial set of coursework in education as undergraduates. As graduate students, they will complete the coursework in education and conduct their fieldwork and student teaching.


Complete 36 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):


    Complete 2 courses:

    SPED 586 Transition Services for Students with Disabilities (3 hours lecture) 3
    SPED 591 Teaching Organization and Study Skills for the Inclusive Classroom. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI) or Master of Education (MED) (3 hours lecture) 2-3

    Complete the following 2 requirement(s):

    1. Complete .

      BIOL 586 Selected Avanced Topics in Biology 3-4
    2. Complete 2 requirement(s):

      1. Complete the following 2 courses:

        CURR 526 Teaching for Learning I (3 hours lecture) 3
        CURR 527 Fieldwork (3 hours lecture) 3
      2. Complete 1 course from the following:

        ECEL 691 Issues, Policies and Trends in Inclusive Education (3 hours lecture) 3
        SPED 691 Issues, Policies and Trends in Inclusive Education (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete the following 2 courses:

    CURR 529 Student Teaching (6 hours lab) 6
    CURR 543 Teaching for Learning II (3 hours lecture) 3

    The following coursework is completed as part of the undergraduate component.

    1. Complete 2 courses: (Courses are completed as part of the undergraduate program).

      SPED 584 Assessment and Evaluation in the Inclusive Classroom 2-3
      SPED 585 Technology for Inclusive Classrooms 2-3
    2. Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list.

      EAES 502 The Dynamic Earth (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 503 Advanced Physical Geology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 504 Landscapes in Transition (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 505 Environmental Geoscience (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 507 Tectonics (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 508 Field Geology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 511 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 520 Advanced Mineralogy (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 521 Optical Mineralogy (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 522 Petrography (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 523 Sedimentary Petrography (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 524 Igneous and Metamorphic Geology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 525 X-ray Microanalysis (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 526 Geochemistry (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 527 Organic Geoghemistry (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 528 Environmental Forensics (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 529 Instrumental Environmental Analysis (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 532 Applied Groundwater Modeling (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 533 Water Resource Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 535 Geophysics (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 540 Advanced Historical Geology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 541 Stratigraphy (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 542 Advanced Invertebrate Paleobiology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 543 Vertebrate Paleobiology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 545 Paleoecology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 546 Micropaleobiology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      EAES 547 Paleobotany (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 548 Biostratigraphy of New Jersey (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 550 Advanced Marine Geology (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 562 Waste Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 569 Air Resource Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 593 Research Seminar (3 hours seminar) 3
      EAES 594 Research in Geoscience Literature (1 hour lecture) 1
      EAES 599 Special Problems in Earth and Environmental Studies 1-4
      EAES 612 Seminar in Environmental Graphics (3 hours seminar) 3

Course Descriptions:

BIOL586: Selected Avanced Topics in Biology

This course is designed to provide advanced biology graduate students with a literature intensive exploration of current developments and specialized content in the biological sciences. Topics will cover specific research areas in ecology, physiology, molecular biology, embryology and bioinformatics. This course is designed to fulfill elective requirements of the biology masters degree. This course may be repeated once for a maximum of 8.0 credits. 3 - 4 sh.

Prerequisites: BIOL 520 or BIOL 540 or BIOL 547 or BIOL 570.

CURR526: Teaching for Learning I (3 hours lecture)

This is the first course in a two-semester sequence (CURR 526, CURR 543). This course focuses on developing classroom practices necessary for student teaching and the beginning of a professional career in teaching, building from the knowledge and skills developed in previous courses in the professional sequence. In conjunction with CURR 527-Fieldwork, students have the opportunity to observe in classrooms and to do individual, small group, and whole class teaching. Students investigate democratic classroom practice by focusing on curriculum development; creating a positive, well-structured climate for learning in their classrooms; learning and practicing techniques for effective classroom management; and choosing appropriate teaching strategies and assessments to create successful learning experiences for their students. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 505 or EDFD 505; CURR 509 or EDFD 509; CURR 516 or EDFD 516; CURR 517; CURR 518; READ 501. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

CURR527: Fieldwork (3 hours lecture)

Students spend 60 hours, or approximately one day per week, in a selected public school. Activities include, but are not limited to, observing classroom teachers, facilitating small group and individual instruction, participating in after-school activities, tutoring, attending department meetings, shadowing and interviewing students and teachers, lesson planning and teaching, and assessing student work. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 505 or EDFD 505; and CURR 509 or EDFD 509; and CURR 516 or EDFD 516; and CURR 517; and CURR 518; and EDFD 519 or CURR 519; and READ 501. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

CURR529: Student Teaching (6 hours lab)

Full time student teaching in the public schools of New Jersey for the duration of a semester is required of all students who complete the regular program of certification requirements. 6 hour lab requirements. May be repeated once for a maximum of 12.0 credits. 6 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 505 or EDFD 505; and CURR 509 or EDFD 509; and CURR 516 or EDFD 516; and CURR 517; and CURR 518; and CURR 519 or EDFD 519; and CURR 526; and CURR 527; and READ 501; and content area methods course(s). Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

CURR543: Teaching for Learning II (3 hours lecture)

This is the second course in a two-semester sequence (CURR 526, CURR 543). This course focuses on putting into practice all the knowledge and skills students have developed throughout their professional sequence in their full-time, supervised student teaching experience. A primary focus is on planning and implementing curriculum. In addition to curriculum planning and using appropriate instructional and assessment strategies, students learn about the impact of the school and classroom culture and climate on student learning and on relationships between and among students, teachers, and other professionals in school. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 505 or EDFD 505; and CURR 509 or EDFD 509; and CURR 516 or EDFD 516; and CURR 517; and CURR 518; and CURR 526; and CURR 527; and READ 501; and content area methods course(s). Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

EAES502: The Dynamic Earth (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Origin, evolution and history of the earth. Internal and external processes by which minerals and rocks form and are modified. Interpretation of rock features and structures and significance of the fossil record. Plate tectonics, geomorphology, oceanography, and meteorology. The course is conducted at a more rigorous level than introductory, undergraduate courses. Research project and field trips are required. Previous course GEOS 502 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

EAES503: Advanced Physical Geology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

In-depth study of the major problems of physical geology processes of erosion, rock formation, continent and ocean-basin origin and relationships, earthquakes, interior of the earth, volcanism, island arcs, mountain building, paleomagnetism, continental drift, and sea-floor spreading. Field trips. Previous course GEOS 503 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

EAES504: Landscapes in Transition (3 hours lecture)

The field in historical perspective, with emphasis upon contemporary trends; philosophical roots and quest for theory. Analyzes theory and methods of application and their relationships in order to understand the role of applied in contrast to theoretical geography. Previous course GEOS 520 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

EAES505: Environmental Geoscience (3 hours lecture)

In-depth study of the relationships between man and the physical environment of atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Particular attention to problems of mineral resource and fossil-fuel depletion; pollution of air, water and soils and waste disposal and recycling, simple computer modeling of environmental situations. Previous course GEOS 525 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES507: Tectonics (3 hours lecture)

The study of the major structures of the earth, the principle of isostasy, mountain-building, continental drift, sea-floor spreading, and possible causes of tectonism in the earth. Discussion will include the methods of study, results obtained, interpretation of the data, and the latest theories of tectonism. Previous course GEOS 572 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience program or departmental approval.

EAES508: Field Geology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The principles and techniques of geologic field work. Independent and team mapping of local areas of geologic interest using modern field methods and instruments. Previous course GEOS 580 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience; and equivalent of EAES 302; and EAES 320 or EAES 441 or departmental approval. Not open to students who have taken EAES 404.

EAES511: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 hours lecture)

This course affords graduate students who have completed introductory courses or equivalents the opportunity to advance both practical skills in and theoretical understanding of remote sensing. The course covers a wide range of applications and promotes facility in image processing and visualization, integration with Geographic Information Systems, and spatial modeling techniques. Industry-standard software is used for demonstration and laboratory exercises. A semester project must be completed that demonstrates an application of remote sensing to a real-world environmental problem. Students are required to submit a term paper, an oral presentation, and a poster related to this project. Previous courses ENVR 555 and GEOS 555 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in an Earth and Environmental Studies (EAES) graduate program and equivalent of EAES210 or departmental approval. Not open to students who have taken EAES311.

EAES520: Advanced Mineralogy (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Chemical and physical principles as applied to minerals. Detailed study of representative minerals from the various families. Advanced techniques will be performed by the student. Field trips. Previous course GEOS 543 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience and equivalent of EAES 220 Mineralogy.

EAES521: Optical Mineralogy (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Theory and practice of using the polarizing microscope to study and identify minerals; theory of light transmission in minerals; the practical effect. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 545 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience and equivalent of EAES 220 Mineralogy.

EAES522: Petrography (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Rock textures, structures and mineralogy using the polarizing microscope. Identification and classification of rocks and the origin and history of the rock as determined by microscopic study of thin sections. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 546 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience and equivalent of EAES 220 Mineralogy.

EAES523: Sedimentary Petrography (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The interpretative study of the structures, textures, composition and genesis of sedimentary rocks. Laboratory analyses of sediments and sedimentary rocks by optical, mechanical and chemical methods and the graphical representation of the resultant data. Previous course GEOS 538 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience; and EAES 220 Mineralogy, EAES 337 Sedimentology or EAES 441 Stratigraphy or equivalent.

EAES524: Igneous and Metamorphic Geology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The intepretive study of igneous and metamorphic rocks in detail with the aim of properly identifying and naming the rocks and interpreting their history: rock suites from classical areas. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 578 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience (GEOS) and equivalent of EAES 220 Mineralogy and EAES 320 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology or departmental approval.

EAES525: X-ray Microanalysis (3 hours lecture)

Students will learn energy dispersive spectroscopy, qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, and x-ray mapping. Previous course GEOS 547 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of one of the following: EAES 220, CHEM 410, PHYS 470 or BICL 406 or departmental approval.

EAES526: Geochemistry (3 hours lecture)

Chemical laws and principles applied to the earth, chemical composition of the earth, distribution and relative abundance of the elements. Radioactive materials, atmospheric precipitation of geochemicals, the geochemistry of polluted water (including solid and liquid wastes) study of meteorites. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 575 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES527: Organic Geoghemistry (3 hours lecture)

This is an introductory graduate course in organic geochemistry, covering the occurence of natural and anthropogenic organic matter in sediments and sedimentary rocks, emphasizing fossil fuels and environemental contaminants. Previous course GEOS 576 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of one of the following: CHEM 230, EAES 322, EAES 441 or departmental approval. Not open to students who have taken EAES 427.

EAES528: Environmental Forensics (3 hours lecture)

Environmental Forensics seeks to answer the questions: "How did environmental contamination occur?" and "Who/what caused it?" It involves the use of analytical (geo)chemistry, field geology and biology, remote sensing, integrated with law and policy. This course will focus primarily on the methods and applications of chemical fingerprinting, using petroleum biomarkers, polycyclic aromatic compounds, isotopes, and heavy metals. Previous course GEOS 577 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of EAES 427 or EAES 527 or departmental approval.

EAES529: Instrumental Environmental Analysis (3 hours lecture)

A survey of instrumentation and methods for quantitative environmental analysis of inorganic earth materials (e.g., waters, soils, sediments). Hands-on analytical techniques will typically include, but are not limited to, pH and conductivity measurements, ion chromatography, UV-Vis and optical ICP spectrometry, ICP mass spectrometry, and SEM-EDS depending on expertise of the instructor(s). Previous course GEOS 579 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of one of the following: EAES 322, CHEM 410, EAES 526, EAES 527 or departmental approval.

EAES532: Applied Groundwater Modeling (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Introduction to groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling, using a variety of current software packages. Saturated and unsaturated media will be considered. Emphasis is on application of models to the solution of common problems encountered in hydrology industry and research. Previous course GEOS 552 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of EAES 331; and MATH 116 or MATH 122 or departmental approval.

EAES533: Water Resource Management (3 hours lecture)

The spatial patterns of the water resource both as surface water and ground-water. Processes affecting availability and techniques of estimation are stressed. Previous course GEOS 509 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES535: Geophysics (3 hours lecture)

Theory and application of conventional geophysical methods: seismology, magnetism, electricity and gravity. Laboratory includes the collection and interpretation of geophysical data. Field trips. Previous course GEOS 571 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience program.

EAES540: Advanced Historical Geology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

In-depth analysis of major problems in geologic history, stratigraphy and paleoenvironments as interpreted through lithologic and paleontologic evidence. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 504 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

EAES541: Stratigraphy (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Stratigraphic principles and their application. Case studies of selected regions. Local stratigraphy interpreted through field studies. Previous course GEOS 534 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience program or departmental approval.

EAES542: Advanced Invertebrate Paleobiology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Fossil invertebrates with emphasis on their evolutionary, paleoecologic and stratigraphic significance. Laboratory and field work stress collecting, preparation, identification, curatorial and faunal analysis techniques. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 533 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience or MS Biology programs.

EAES543: Vertebrate Paleobiology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The geologic history, morphology, taxonomy, paleogeography and evolution of fossil vertebrates. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 535 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience or MS Biology programs.

EAES545: Paleoecology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Distribution and association of fossils as interpreted from the evidence presented in the geologic record. Detailed paleoecological field study made of selected faunal assemblages. Previous course GEOS 530 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES546: Micropaleobiology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Taxonomic, morphologic, paleoecologic and stratigraphic consideration of microfossils with special emphasis on those from the marine environment. Previous course GEOS 532 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience or MS Biology programs.

EAES547: Paleobotany (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The taxonomy, morphology, evolution, paleoecology and stratigraphic significance of fossil plants. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 536 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience or MS Biology programs.

EAES548: Biostratigraphy of New Jersey (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The geologic history, paleontology, stratigraphy and paleogeography of New Jersey. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 537 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience or MS Biology programs.

EAES550: Advanced Marine Geology (3 hours lecture)

Development and evolution of the ocean basins; marine sedimentation; shoreline development and classification; submarine topography; mineral resources of the sea. Laboratory analysis of marine sediments and fossil assemblages. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 560 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a EAES graduate program or department approval.

EAES562: Waste Management (3 hours lecture)

This course examines liquid waste management (sewage, sewerage, septic, and acid mine drainage) and solid waste management (composting, incineration, dumps, sanitary landfills, ocean dumping, and resource recovery). Management of radioactive wastes is included. Previous course GEOS 513 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES569: Air Resource Management (3 hours lecture)

Spatial distribution of energy in the atmosphere treated in terms of natural factors and man's induced changes (atmospheric pollution). Incoming sun energy as modified by man is traced through the atmosphere, vegetation, soil and water. Previous course GEOS 501 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES593: Research Seminar (3 hours seminar)

Student field, laboratory, and library investigation of a problem in the area of his or her interest in geoscience, the results of which will be presented in oral and written form. Class discussion of the individual papers and of other pertinent topics of current interest in geoscience. Previous course GEOS 590 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in an EAES graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES594: Research in Geoscience Literature (1 hour lecture)

Investigation and evaluation of a topic in geoscience under the supervision of a faculty member by: (1) preparing a bibliography from standard sources, including an on-line computer search; and, (2) preparing a report written in standard professional format. Previous course GEOS 594 effective through Spring 2012 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in an EAES graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES599: Special Problems in Earth and Environmental Studies

Independent research project to be performed by the student under the guidance of the faculty. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 10.0 credits as long as the topic is different. Previous course GEOS 592 effective through Spring 2012. 1 - 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in an EAES graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES612: Seminar in Environmental Graphics (3 hours seminar)

Use of geographic materials suitable for analysis, understanding and presenting aspects of the environment through seminar presentation. Previous courses GEOS 658 and ENVR 628 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduatae program.

ECEL691: Issues, Policies and Trends in Inclusive Education (3 hours lecture)

The culminating experience for the BA/MAT Dual Certification programs, this course focuses on policies, issues, and trends related to the education of students in inclusive settings. Relevant sociological and cultural persepctives focused on the social construction of dis/ability are examined as well as their implications for the schools. Students synthesize, analyze, and evaluate issues of relevance to inclusive education that will impact their professional careers as teachers in inclusive environments and the future of inclusive education. Students also conduct an empirical research project on inclusion. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Completion of 12 graduate credits in the program.

SPED584: Assessment and Evaluation in the Inclusive Classroom

This course is designed to be an introduction for pre-service teachers in the field of Special Education assessment and accountability. The course will introduce students to elements of traditional assessment, including record keeping, grading, objective and essay testing, theories of validity as well as authentic, performance, and portfolio assessment. The keeping of anecdotal records, inclusion, heterogeneous groups, and accommodations will also be components of this course. 2 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

SPED585: Technology for Inclusive Classrooms

The course is designed to provide educators with an understanding of how to use technology as a seamless part of the teaching and learning experience for students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Two main purposes for students with disabilities will be emphasized. Teachers will learn how to provide access to the curriculum for students with disabilities by using the principles of Universal Design for Learning as a framework for curriculum design. They will learn how to utilize technology to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities in order for them to attain maximum independence and participation in all environments. 2 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

SPED586: Transition Services for Students with Disabilities (3 hours lecture)

This course will focus on a Research-Based and Teacher-Tested Support Model for planning and implementing transition services for students with disabilities. Successful transition services will allow students to build the bridges toward becoming independent self advocates with the insights, skills, knowledge, and learning techniques for successful transition from school to adult life. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

SPED591: Teaching Organization and Study Skills for the Inclusive Classroom. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI) or Master of Education (MED) (3 hours lecture)

In this course, future and practicing teachers who work with students with disabilities in middle and secondary school learn how to enable those students to become more effective learners so they can have greater access to the general education curriculum. Increased inclusion has led to higher expectations for students with disabilities and the need to meet the more rigorous demands of the general education classroom. This requires study and organization skills, wich students with disabilities often lack as a result of the impact of their disability. In this course, teachers become familiar with research-based study and organization strategies as well as effective instructional methods for systematic and explicit instruction to teach these strategies. Through these strategies, they can help students compensate for their disability characteristics and become more independent, engaged learners. 2 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPED 469, SPED 568 or SPED 587. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

SPED691: Issues, Policies and Trends in Inclusive Education (3 hours lecture)

The culminating experience for the BA/MAT Dual Certification programs, this course focuses on policies, issues, and trends related to the education of students in inclusive settings. Relevant sociological and cultural persepctives focused on the social construction of dis/ability are examined as well as their implications for the schools. Students synthesize, analyze, and evaluate issues of relevance to inclusive education that will impact their professional careers as teachers in inclusive environments and the future of inclusive education. Students also conduct an empirical research project on inclusion. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Completion of 12 Graduate credits in the program. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).

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