Environmental Studies, Environmental Science Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.


Complete 33 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):


    Complete 5 courses for 15 semester hours:

    BIOL 570 Ecology (3 hours lecture) 3
    EAES 505 Environmental Geoscience (3 hours lecture) 3
    EAES 526 Geochemistry (3 hours lecture) 3
    EAES 612 Seminar in Environmental Graphics (3 hours seminar) 3
    HLTH 502 Determinants of Environmental Health (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete the following 3 requirements for 18 semester hours:


      Complete a minimum of 6 semester hours from the following list

      BICL 505 Bacteriological Techniques in Marine Sampling (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 2
      BIOL 521 Field Studies of Flowering Plants (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab) 4
      BIOL 522 Plant Pathology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      BIOL 531 Medical Parasitology (3 hours lecture) 3
      BIOL 532 Advanced Entomology (3 hours lecture) 3
      BIOL 543 Advances in Immunology (3 hours lecture) 3
      BIOL 550 Topics in Microbiology (3 hours lecture) 3
      BIOL 553 Microbial Ecology (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab) 4
      BIOL 571 Physiological Plant Ecology (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab) 4
      BIOL 572 Wetland Ecology (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab) 4
      BIOL 573 Shoreline Ecology (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab) 4
      PHMS 565 Tidal Marsh Ecology (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab) 4

      Complete a minimum of 6 semester hours from the following list

      CHEM 570 Selected Topics in Advanced Biochemistry (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 533 Water Resource Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 535 Geophysics (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 545 Paleoecology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 548 Biostratigraphy of New Jersey (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      EAES 550 Advanced Marine Geology (3 hours lecture) 3
      EAES 551 Coastal Geomorphology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      HLTH 532 Air Pollution (3 hours lecture) 3

      Complete 6 semester hours of graduate level electives with written approval from advisor.


    Successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination.

Course Descriptions:

BICL505: Bacteriological Techniques in Marine Sampling (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Standard methods of bacteriological water analysis, including mpn and membrane filtration. Special problems relating to sampling and analysis of marine sediments, surface and subsurface marine waters. Also offered at NJ Marine Sciences Consortium. Cross listed with Biology, BIMS 592. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: A course in microbiology.

BIOL521: Field Studies of Flowering Plants (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab)

The taxonomy, evolutionary trends and ecological adaptations of the gymnosperms and angiosperms. A variety of habitats will be visited and analyzed. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Botany and field course in biology.

BIOL522: Plant Pathology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Causes, symptoms, and control of plant diseases. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Botany and microbiology.

BIOL531: Medical Parasitology (3 hours lecture)

To study the phenomenon of parasitism as applied to man and his domestic animals. Areas of emphasis include specific adaptations for parasitism and transmission, effects on the host, epidemiology and control. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Zoology.

BIOL532: Advanced Entomology (3 hours lecture)

Examination of insects as model systems for biological inquiry. Topics include an integrative treatment of insect molecular biology, genetics, physiology, behavior, evolution and ecology. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in M.S. Biology program or permission of instructor.

BIOL543: Advances in Immunology (3 hours lecture)

To study in detail selected topics in immunology. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Immunology.

BIOL550: Topics in Microbiology (3 hours lecture)

Coverage of selected topics such as the microbial genetics, antibiotic action, bacteriophage, virus, cancer and microbial metabolism. Emphasis will be placed on practical applications of modern research in specific areas. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Microbiology.

BIOL553: Microbial Ecology (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)

Exploration of the essential role of microorganisms in the ecosystem. Lecture, field trips and laboratory will demonstrate the ubiquitous and highly adaptive evolution of microorganisms, their interrelationships and their profound influence on the biosphere. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Microbiology.

BIOL570: Ecology (3 hours lecture)

Basic ecological principles and concepts. Habitat approach to field exercises in fresh water and terrestrial ecology. Intra and interspecific relationships with all living members of the ecosystem, problems in plant and animal biology. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Botany and zoology.

BIOL571: Physiological Plant Ecology (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab)

The effects of soil, light, and water on plant growth, as well as, toxic effects of metals and salinity are measured using growth chamber and greenhouse facilities. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Botany and one course in field biology.

BIOL572: Wetland Ecology (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab)

Important biotic, chemical and physical parameters of New Jersey's estuaries. Evolution and successional trends of estuarine communities. Ecology of individual communities studied by field trips to Delaware Bay shore and to some Atlantic coast bays, marshes and offshore barrier islands. Also offered at the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Botany, and zoology, and field biology.

BIOL573: Shoreline Ecology (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab)

Community structure, trophic dynamics, species diversity and distribution of bottom dwelling organisms in relationship to their environment; lectures, laboratory work and field investigations of the marine benthos. Also offered at NJ Marine Sciences Consortium. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Botany, and zoology, and field biology.

CHEM570: Selected Topics in Advanced Biochemistry (3 hours lecture)

A detailed treatment of selected topics in biochemistry. Special emphasis upon recent developments. Protein structure, enzymology, metabolism, nucleic acid chemistry are examples of topics. This course may be repeated for credit indefinitely as long as the topic is different each time. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CHEM 370 or instructor's permission.

EAES505: Environmental Geoscience (3 hours lecture)

In-depth study of the relationships between man and the physical environment of atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Particular attention to problems of mineral resource and fossil-fuel depletion; pollution of air, water and soils and waste disposal and recycling, simple computer modeling of environmental situations. Previous course GEOS 525 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES526: Geochemistry (3 hours lecture)

Chemical laws and principles applied to the earth, chemical composition of the earth, distribution and relative abundance of the elements. Radioactive materials, atmospheric precipitation of geochemicals, the geochemistry of polluted water (including solid and liquid wastes) study of meteorites. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 575 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES533: Water Resource Management (3 hours lecture)

The spatial patterns of the water resource both as surface water and ground-water. Processes affecting availability and techniques of estimation are stressed. Previous course GEOS 509 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES535: Geophysics (3 hours lecture)

Theory and application of conventional geophysical methods: seismology, magnetism, electricity and gravity. Laboratory includes the collection and interpretation of geophysical data. Field trips. Previous course GEOS 571 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience program.

EAES545: Paleoecology (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Distribution and association of fossils as interpreted from the evidence presented in the geologic record. Detailed paleoecological field study made of selected faunal assemblages. Previous course GEOS 530 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program or departmental approval.

EAES548: Biostratigraphy of New Jersey (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

The geologic history, paleontology, stratigraphy and paleogeography of New Jersey. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 537 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS Geoscience or MS Biology programs.

EAES550: Advanced Marine Geology (3 hours lecture)

Development and evolution of the ocean basins; marine sedimentation; shoreline development and classification; submarine topography; mineral resources of the sea. Laboratory analysis of marine sediments and fossil assemblages. Required field trips. Previous course GEOS 560 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a EAES graduate program or department approval.

EAES551: Coastal Geomorphology (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Coastlines and their evolution; processes and materials of the coastal zone; shore zone hydrodynamics and sedimentation: beach and barrier systems with special emphasis on the New Jersey shoreline. Offered at the site of the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium. Cross listed with Earth and Environmental Studies, PHMS 551. Previous course PHMS 581 effective through Spring 2012. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in an EAES or MS Biology graduate program and equivalent of EAES 200 or departmental approval.

EAES612: Seminar in Environmental Graphics (3 hours seminar)

Use of geographic materials suitable for analysis, understanding and presenting aspects of the environment through seminar presentation. Previous courses GEOS 658 and ENVR 628 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduatae program.

HLTH502: Determinants of Environmental Health (3 hours lecture)

Advanced study of health and safety aspects of the environment: air, water, industrial pollution and the impact of expanding population on health problems. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Health Education (HLED) MA & CER, Public Health w/conc: Community Health Education (PUBC) MPH, and Environmental Studies w/ conc: Environmental Science (ESES) MA majors only or departmental approval.

HLTH532: Air Pollution (3 hours lecture)

A consideration of the diverse factors contributing to air pollution, the physiological responses of critical organs to air pollutants, public health and economic implication, air pollution control standards and legislation, and principles of monitoring devices. 3 sh.

PHMS565: Tidal Marsh Ecology (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)

Salt marsh development and physiography: community structure, energetics, and interrelationships. The role of salt marshes in estuarine and marine systems. The impact of man on the marsh. Offered at N.J. Marine Sciences Consortium. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

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