Molecular Biology Certificate - Graduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

The Molecular Biology certificate is designed for individuals seeking employment in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, those currently employed seeking to learn new techniques or update their skills and for those individuals that want to strengthen their preparation for further postgraduate work. The unique feature of the Molecular Biology certificate program is its focus on laboratory methodologies in molecular biology and applied instruction in modern, well-equipped biology laboratories.  Students in this program will gain experience in a variety of essential molecular methodologies including PCR, automated DNA sequence analysis, molecular cloning, gene expression, fermentation technology, site-directed mutagenesis, immunology and cell manipulation techniques.

All courses for the certificate program will be offered on evenings and/or weekends in the new 60,000 square foot Science Hall which features state-of-the-art biological teaching laboratories. A total of 14-15 semester hours (depending on elective course selection) are required for this program.


14 semester hours are required with a minimum GPA of 2.50.

  1. Required Courses

    Complete to earn 11 semester hours (BIOL598 should be taken twice to earn 3 hours)

    BIOL 547 Molecular Biology I (3 hours lecture) 3
    BIOL 548 Molecular Biology II (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab) 4
    BIOL 592 Graduate Colloquium (1 hour lecture) 1
    BIOL 598 Selected Techniques in Molecular Biology (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) 1.5
  2. Required Electives

    Complete 3 semester hours from the following list

    BICL 405 Cell Culture (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
    BIOL 512 Topics in Modern Genetics (3 hours lecture) 3
    BIOL 513 Instrumentation and Techniques for Biological Science (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab) 4
    BIOL 533 Advanced Cell Biology (3 hours lecture) 3
    BIOL 550 Topics in Microbiology (3 hours lecture) 3
    CHEM 570 Selected Topics in Advanced Biochemistry (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

BICL405: Cell Culture (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Theory of and practice in working with living cells: tissue culture techniques, cell communication, differentiation, regeneration and aging in several living cell systems. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

BIOL512: Topics in Modern Genetics (3 hours lecture)

Seminar course. Selected topics from current development in genetic research, including chromosome and gene fine structure, extra chromosomal genetic elements, genetic engineering, and aspects of biomedical genetic research. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in genetics.

BIOL513: Instrumentation and Techniques for Biological Science (2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab)

This course is designed to acquaint students with modern analytical and research techniques in biology, including manometry, spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, chromatography, microbial batch growth and assay techniques, immunotechniques and evaluation of experimental design and data. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: 24 semester hours in biology.

BIOL533: Advanced Cell Biology (3 hours lecture)

Detailed analysis of cellular structure and function. Topics to be covered include the role of subcellular organelles in maintaining cell viability, analysis of cytoskeletal components, structure and function of the plasma membrane and cellular defects that lead to cancer and other disease states. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in the biology master's program or permission of professor.

BIOL547: Molecular Biology I (3 hours lecture)

Central concepts at the cellular level will be emphasized. Contemporary viewpoints in the areas of biomolecules, energy yielding and energy requiring processes and transfer of genetic information. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Cell biology, and one year organic chemistry.

BIOL548: Molecular Biology II (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)

Central concepts at the cellular level will be emphasized. Contemporary viewpoints in the areas of biomolecules, energy yielding and energy requiring processes and transfer of genetic information. The laboratory will deal with up-to-date investigative procedures via selected experiments. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: BIOL 547.

BIOL550: Topics in Microbiology (3 hours lecture)

Coverage of selected topics such as the microbial genetics, antibiotic action, bacteriophage, virus, cancer and microbial metabolism. Emphasis will be placed on practical applications of modern research in specific areas. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Microbiology.

BIOL592: Graduate Colloquium (1 hour lecture)

Students in this course will read primary resource material and interpret the data. This course will also teach students how to read, critique and present scientific data to a peer group. Students will analyze, discuss and present primary research articles with respect to scientific content, accuracy of the data and significance of the experiments. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in the biology master's program or permission of the professor.

BIOL598: Selected Techniques in Molecular Biology (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab)

A laboratory course that trains students in advanced techniques in molecular biology. Students will learn how to perform a specific technique as well as learning the theory behind the technique. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 1.5 sh.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate or graduate molecular biology courses or equivalent and permission of instructor.

CHEM570: Selected Topics in Advanced Biochemistry (3 hours lecture)

A detailed treatment of selected topics in biochemistry. Special emphasis upon recent developments. Protein structure, enzymology, metabolism, nucleic acid chemistry are examples of topics. This course may be repeated for credit indefinitely as long as the topic is different each time. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CHEM 370 or instructor's permission.

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Additional Requirements for State Certification
The following additional requirements must be met prior to student teaching.  Upon admission to the Post-BA Program, the student’s submitted transcripts are evaluated to determine if any of these requirements have been fulfilled by previous coursework. In such cases, the requirement(s) appears on the degree audit as being waived.

  • SPCM 101 – Fundamentals of Speech or Speech Challenge Exam or Documented & approved experience
  • Physiology & Hygiene – free test at county office of education or BIOL/HLTH course
  • Educational Psychology - ELRS 580 Learning: Process & Measurement or PSYC 560 Advanced Educational
  • Psychology or equivalent undergraduate course work