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Xiaona Li
Analytical Instrumentation Specialist, Earth and Environmental Studies, College of Science and Mathematics
- Office:
- Center for Environmental & Life Sciences 316
- Email:
- lix@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-3613
- Degrees:
- Ph.D., Stony Brook University
- M.S., Ocean University of China
- B.S., Ocean University of China
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Dr. Li earned her Ph.D in Coastal Oceanography from the State University of New York, Stony Brook, studying sulfur and trace metal cycling in the anoxic environment. She was then awarded with a Postdoctoral Fellowship from IMCS Rutgers, spending most of her time at Rutgers Inorganic Analytical Laboratory working with ICP MS and ICP OES on iron isotope ratios and trace metal composition of environmental and rock samples. Before joining MSU, she worked at the University of Delaware on the oxygen isotope of phosphorus to explore phosphorus cycling in the soil and watershed. She has published many articles in peer viewed journals and has been invited to speak at international conferences.
element geochemical cycling in the water, sediment, soil and geological rocks