Picture of the front of the University Police station

Contact Us


Non-emergency email and safety concerns, please email msupolice@montclair.edu



Name Title Phone Email
Chief Kieran Barrett Chief of Police/Associate VP 973-655-7440 barrettk@montclair.edu
Deputy Chief Tim Fox Deputy Chief of Police 973-655-4308 foxt@montclair.edu
Captain Janine Brychta Billing and Personnel 973-655-3432 jakubasj@montclair.edu
Captain Derrick Byrd Patrol Division 973-655-6682 byrdd@montclair.edu
Detective Lieutenant Michelle Ciecwisz Investigations 973-655-3713 ciecwiszm@montclair.edu
Richard McAuliffe Managing Director of Emergency Preparedness 973-655-2400 mcauliffer@montclair.edu
Michelle Kight Director of Emergency Medical Services 973-655-7836 kightm@montclair.edu
David Reilly Director of Campus Safety – Bloomfield Campus 973-655-2863 reillyda@montclair.edu
Patti Flatley Business Administration Assistant 973-655-7631 flatleyp@montclair.edu
Tisheka Allen Victim Services and Compliance Manager 973-655-5159 allenti@montclair.edu

The Montclair State University Police Department does not accept applications for police employment. For questions related to department employment contact Montclair State University Division of Human Resources.

Important Numbers

Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Counseling and Psychological Services
Records Bureau
Student Health Center

Emergency call boxes are located throughout the campus and are easily recognized by the BLUE LIGHT above the phone. These emergency phones connect you directly to the University Police Department.

Compliments or Complaints

If you have any concerns over the actions of any member of the Montclair State University Police Department, we welcome your correspondence. Members of the community may email us at msupolice@montclair.edu. This email is monitored solely by a command staff officer with the authority to address internal affairs issues and to ensure officers receive notices of commendation as well. Alternately if you would like to make an anonymous compliment or complaint, you are encouraged to contact us through our main line of 973-655-5222 or our confidential TIPS line of 8477 from any extension on campus. Community members should feel confident that their concern will be taken seriously, will be investigated and will be resolved.

Officers take pride in serving the Montclair State University community.