Displays a set of items that the user can browse through in place of the homepage hero image. Because of conflicts with screen readers, the homepage carousel may not auto-rotate.
Carousel items must include an image, a label, and descriptive text. Call-to-action buttons are optional. The shortcode is structured as follows:


Homepage Carousel Attributes
Homepage Carousel Item Attributes
Name | Possible Values | Required | Notes |
background | URL to an image (starting with /) | Yes | (none) |
cta | Any Text | No | The text displayed on the button. Default: “Read More” |
label | Any Text | Yes | Displays to the left of the headline – used as a category signifier. |
link | URL to a page | Yes | (none) |
Code Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | [homepageherocarousel] [homepageherocarouselitem background"/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/admissionsdeadlinenew.jpg" label="Admissions" cta="Apply Today" link="http://www.montclair.edu/admissions/apply-and-check-status/apply-now/"] <strong>Freshman Application Deadline Extended!</strong> Apply by March 17, 2017 [/homepageherocarouselitem] [homepageherocarouselitem background="/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Krupa-Greenstein.jpg" label="Academics" cta="Read More" link="http://www.montclair.edu/news/article.php?ArticleID=17751"] <strong>NSF Grant Funds Scholarships</strong>; 30 future K-6 math teachers will be prepared to teach in high-need New Jersey schools [/homepageherocarouselitem] [/homepageherocarousel] |