Our color palette expresses the University’s personality and pride. These colors are used to create a consistent and visual identity. The University’s signature color is red. Red and black are our primary university colors.
Pantone 200
C:0 M:100 Y:76 K:13
R:210 G:20 B:55
Hex: #d1190d
Pantone Black
C:3 M:3 Y:3 K:100
R:0 G:0 B:0
Hex: #333333
Consider white space as a color.
It’s important not to oversaturate with color.
For added flexibility and vibrancy, our secondary palette offers complementary color options, which can add dimension or be used as accents. These colors may be used in a limited application (10-15%) for any print collateral to highlight, emphasize or to fill “copy containers.”
Please note that with the exception of our Cool Gray 8, these colors are not for web use. The website uses only red, black and gray as indicated by their HTML hexcode listed.
Pantone Cool Gray 8
C:48 M:40 Y:38 K:4
R:138 G:138 B:141
Pantone 7548
C:0 M:22 Y:100 K:0
R:255 G:201 B:9
Pantone 1585
C:0 M:71 Y:98 K:0
R:243 G:110 B:36
Pantone 375
C:47 M:0 Y:100 K:1
R:149 G:201 B:61
Pantone 7460
C:100 M:32 Y:14 K:1
R:0 G:132 B:182
Pantone 289
C:100 M:84 Y:36 K:39
R:15 G:45 B:82
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 12:25 pm