In The Know – Issue 137
Posted in: In the Know

Center for Cooperative Media Receives $2.5M Knight Foundation Grant
The five-year grant will enable the creation of the Collaborative Media Resource Hub to support 20 journalism collaboratives and provide substantial help to new and existing U.S.-based collaborative initiatives.

Feliciano School of Business Earns Fifth AACSB Accreditation
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International is considered the gold standard for business education accreditation.
Your Voice Matters: Help Shape Montclair’s Future
Montclair is in the process of drafting its Self-Study Report (SSR) for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). This SSR is the central element of our accreditation efforts, and as part of it, faculty and staff voices are integral.
Faculty and staff are serving on and/or chairing the Self-Study Working Groups, which are drafting chapters of the SSR. Evidence for these chapters comes from established databases, university processes, policies and procedures, and reports generated across all divisions and units at Montclair. We invite you to participate in focus groups to help us move this process forward.
Register for a staff or faculty focus group session. If you cannot attend these focus groups, future opportunities for participation and feedback will occur.
Staff sessions:
- Tuesday, March 4, 2:30-4pm
- Wednesday, March 5, 9:00-10:00 am
Faculty sessions:
- Tuesday, March 4, 9:00-10:00 am
- Tuesday, March 18, 3:00-4:30 pm.
Sustainability Survey
The Office of Sustainability invites you to participate in our survey to better understand your knowledge of sustainability and your experience regarding sustainability at Montclair. Your answers will help improve our performance, ensuring that Montclair remains a leader in campus sustainability. When you submit the survey, you will be offered the chance to opt in to a prize drawing.
Faculty and Staff Commencement Registration
Spring 2025 Commencement exercises will be held on Wednesday, May 7 and Thursday, May 8 at Prudential Center in Newark. Advanced registration is REQUIRED for all faculty and staff attending Commencement. There are two registration forms depending if you are a staff member working the event or a faculty or staff member participating in the academic processional. Registration will close on Monday, March 31. Due to event coordination needs, faculty and staff MUST register by this deadline—late registrations will not be accepted. For more information visit the commencement website or email
Quick Ordering at Saxby’s
When ordering in person at Saxby’s, you can skip the GrubHub line by choosing one of their “in A rush” menu items. These quick options include cold brew, hot coffee, tea and more!
Family Weekend
Family Weekend is happening from Friday, April 25 – Saturday, April 26, and we’re inviting faculty and staff to help make this a memorable experience for students and their families! This weekend is all about welcoming families into our community, giving them a glimpse into campus life and strengthening their connection to Montclair.
We’d love for you to be part of the experience—whether by hosting open office hours, welcoming families to an existing event, or suggesting another way to engage. Use this form to let us know how you’d like to participate!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Kelsey Nyman,
In The News
(Articles may require a subscription to view)
- Jaime Grinberg (Educational Foundations) is quoted in this NTN24 article about the ongoing hostage crisis involving Hamas.
- Jason Rubin (Senior Assistant Dean, Finance) wrote an article for WalletHub about the benefits of budgeting and how it can improve financial management.
- Jason Williams (Justice Studies) is cited in Yahoo! News about the growing overtime spending in Paterson, suggesting the money would be better allocated to social programs rather than law enforcement.
- To Tina Zottoli (Psychology), who was recently appointed co-chair of the newly created Academic Working Group of the Plea Bargaining Institute (PBI). The PBI is a groundbreaking project that provides a global intellectual home for academics, policymakers, advocacy organizations, and practitioners working to promote and translate scientific research to inform plea bargaining reform efforts, policy initiatives, and legislation.
- To Angel Grotto (Management, SBUS), who co-authored an article which was published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management on the positive impact of a firm-provided paid parental leave policy on employee organizational commitment.
- To Charlotte Kent (Art and Design), was cited in an Art Forum article on the work of Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby, pioneers in the field of speculative and critical design.
- To Jonathan Caspi (Family Science and Human Development), who recently published his new book Raising Loving Siblings: How to Stop the Fighting and Help Your Kids Connect.
- To the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC), which recently published its complete early elementary philosophy curriculum online for free, open access. This curriculum–consisting of student novels and teacher manuals–has already been downloaded over 2,000 times, in dozens of countries. As part of its 50th Anniversary, the IAPC (est. at Montclair State College 1974) is publishing its complete P-12 philosophy curriculum online.
Social Media Post of Note
New sisters, big smiles, endless memories! Welcome home! #MontclairGreekLife#BidDay
Photo of the Week
Innovation Meets Impact: Social Entrepreneurship in Action – University Photographer: John LaRosa
Quick Links
Have an item you’d like included in Kudos or Reminders? Want to nominate a staffer for our spotlight? Use this form to tell us. Read more about our people and programs in the University News Center and in back issues of In the Know. And find out what’s happening on campus in the Events Calendar.