In The Know – Issue 108
Posted in: In the Know

Povolo Quints Appear on NBC’s Today Show
Watch recent graduates, Victoria, Vico, Ashley, Michael and Marcus along with their parents, on Today with Hoda & Jenna.

Montclair Social Media Study Looks into Pride Month Branding Backlash
In a collaborative study, Montclair faculty identified the most influential accounts on X (formerly Twitter) pushing narratives that affect LGBTQIA+ communities.

Nominate a Staff Member for a Red Hawk Spotlight Today!
We are looking to highlight employees who make all areas of the University work. Nominate yourself or a fellow colleague that the University community should know more about. Red Hawk Spotlight aims to showcase everything from day-to-day work responsibilities and achievements to personal hobbies and interests.
In the News
- Cortni Borgerson (Anthropology) is featured in this Grist article about how edible insects like cicadas could decarbonize America’s food system.
- Jessica Henry (Justice Studies) wrote an opinion piece for supporting legislation that would create a pathway for New Jersey’s geriatric prison population to seek sentencing relief and potential release.
- Jason Williams (Justice Studies) is quoted in this USA Today report about the legacy of George Floyd’s murder and a backlash movement that has hindered attempts at racial justice.
- Jill Wodnick (Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health) is quoted in this article about a life-saving maternity benefit available to low-income moms that is being underused.
- Eric Weiner (Educational Foundations) wrote a Letter to the Editor published in The New York Times in response to a recent guest essay calling for more Socrates and Plato in higher education.
- David Galef (English) wrote a piece for Inside Higher Ed about when student accommodations may go too far.
- Research by Gabriel Rubin (Justice Studies) was featured in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education about how students are coming to college less willing and able to read.
- Montclair’s success in over-performing on graduation rates is cited in a recent edition of the Next newsletter by journalist and higher education author Jeff Selingo.
- As part of the Today piece about the Povolo quintuplets (see our lead story), the Today team also visited campus, where they interviewed President Jonathan Koppell who also wrote a piece about this monumental moment for Linkedin.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
- Sign up for Mental Health First Aid Training and learn to identify, understand and provide initial aid to someone who may be struggling.
- Take an online mental health screening and try TAO Connect, an online self-guided program to help support your mental health.
- Campus recreation offers a wide variety of fitness programs for employees to take care of their minds and bodies.
- Faculty and staff can refer students to counselors via Let’s Talk, Uwill or CAPS at 973-655-5211.
- Free summer memberships at the Student Recreation Center are available for employees from June 1 to July 30. Membership provides unlimited access to the center’s fitness equipment, Group X fitness classes, indoor heated pool and more. An employee ID will be required to access the building. No registration required.
- Take advantage of employee discounts via the State Employee Discount Program and the Bloomfield Business Discounts list.
- Download the Parking Logix app to check for available parking on campus.
- Request our pupscot, Pebbles and Rocky the Red Hawk at your upcoming events!
- Lost and found items may be brought to the Student Center information desk in the 2nd floor lobby. Browse the inventory of lost items or file a claim for lost items.
- To receive training on the use of hemorrhage/bleeding control and Narcan kits, contact EMS at 973-655-7836 or
Support for Staff and Faculty
- The Employee Assistance Program provides free, confidential support services for employees and their families – including locating resources for substance abuse, mental health and self-help. For more information, view the CONCERN brochure.
- Concerned about a student’s well-being? Please fill out a CARE Report form to connect students to mental health support and resources. Faculty and advisors can complete an alert via Navigate for academic concerns.
- If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis or thinking about suicide, call or text 988, the nationwide 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for free, confidential support, 24/7.
- Email or call 833-707-1220 for assistance with student loan repayment support. Visit MSU GradReady website for additional resources available to help with managing your financial needs.
- To Antonio Talamo and Casey Coleman (Student Involvement), and Blanca Vega (Educational Leadership), who co-wrote an article on the importance of mental health training in the American College Personnel Association’s quarterly online publication, Developments.
- To Klara Naszkowska (College of Humanities and Social Sciences), on the release of her book, Early Women Psychoanalysts: History, Biography, and Contemporary Relevance.
- To Johnny Lorenz (English), who translated Crooked Plow, a novel by Brazilian author Itamar Vieira Junior, which made the short list for the International Booker Prize.
- To Román Liera (Educational Leadership), who received a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project “Faculty Cluster Hiring as a Catalyst for Racial Equity in the Professoriate.”
Social Media Post of Note
Jumping into summer break be like… ️ Enjoy your weekend Red Hawks & be safe!
Have an item you’d like included in Kudos or Reminders? Want to nominate a staffer for our spotlight? Use this form to tell us. Read more about our people and programs in the University News Center and in back issues of In the Know. And find out what’s happening on campus in the Events Calendar.