Getting There
The conference will be hosted by Montclair State University in New Jersey, easily accessible from New York City via public transportation. The University is located 12 miles from New York City.
Montclair State University’s street address is 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ, USA 07043.
Public transportation
Montclair University public transit information
You may use NJ Transit’s Trip Planner tool or view a PDF of the Montclair-Boonton (MidTown Direct) Train Line Schedule. The NJ Transit Customer Service number is 973-275-5555.
Driving directions
Google Maps pinpoints our location and also can provide driving directions from your location.
Using a GPS Device:
When using a GPS device, please be aware that some GPS use our actual address (1 Normal Avenue) and give correct directions. Others will give you correct directions with the address 22 Normal Avenue or 22 East Normal Avenue. We highly recommend you view our link to Google Maps to be sure your GPS device is providing you with correct directions.
Emergency contacts during the conference:
Maureen Corbeski, Program Assistant, Department of World Languages and Cultures, 973-655-3682
Laurence Jay-Rayon, Conference Organizer, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, 517-980-4816 (cell phone for before/after conference hours)
Campus Map, Parking, and Shuttle
Here is an interactive campus map (with parking and walking instructions): Montclair State University Campus Map
Parking on campus:
Visitors can use the Red Hawk Deck parking garage. Access it from the main campus entrance on 1 Normal Avenue). Locate it on the campus map: Montclair State University Campus Map. Parking fee vary from $8 to $12 per day.
Shuttle Bus for Guests of the Hotel Holiday Inn in Totowa:
Free shuttle bus for participants staying at the Hotel Holiday Inn in Totowa. The shuttle bus schedule to and from Montclair State University will be posted in the hotel lobby. A Conference Staff Member will be waiting for the group at the shuttle drop off location on campus on Thursday morning.
Conference Venue

To reach Conrad J. Schmitt Hall from the Red Hawk Deck, exit the parking structure on the first floor and walk up the hill with the Kasser Theater behind you and College Hall (the white building with the bell on top, currently being renovated) to your right. Bear right through the Alumni Green to walk around Sprague Library, Au Bon Pain café, and a brown brick building called Finley Hall, which will all be on your left. Continue on the same path until you see a new three-story white building with a red roof on your left.
Signing in for the Conference
Thursday, June 7, 8:30 to 9:00am: Schmitt Hall, first floor, room 104
Pick-up your name tag and conference program and meet fellow attendees.
Guest Wi-Fi on Campus
The MSU-Guest network is intended only for temporary visitors to campus (i.e. attendees of a workshop or event) who do not have an MSU NetID account. The MSU-Guest network is intended to provide convenient access to the Internet for web browsing and other common activities for a period of 24 hours and is an open, non-encrypted network.
View step-by-step instructions to register your device(s).
Food and Refreshments During the Conference
Morning and afternoon refreshments as well as a lunch buffet will be served on both days of the conference.
The networking cocktail reception will take place right after the first day of the conference on Thursday, June 7, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the CELS Atrium, which is the building right across Schmitt Hall.
These are all included in the conference registration fees.
Conference Program and Abstracts
View the full schedule of the conference.
View conference abstracts.
Social Media: Tweet using #2018MSUCTP – Follow us @MsuTranslation
Audiovisual Equipment and Electronic Presentation Materials
The room is equipped with a room computer, a projector, and multiple screens. Technical assistance will be provided on both days of the conference.
We kindly ask all participants who will be using an audiovisual presentation to either save it on a flash drive or Google Drive, or retrieve it from their email.