Admission to BFA Dance
To be considered for admission to the BFA/BA DANCE MAJOR, students should first submit an online application to Montclair State University, then proceed to the Audition Preparation section of this website for audition guidelines.
The University application will request the documents below from all dance applicants:
- $65 Application fee
- $65 Audition fee
- Transcripts
- Resume of dance experience
- Personal Statement
- Full body dance pose of any kind showing line, form, and expression
- Two letters of recommendation
* One from an academic teacher
* One from a dance professional - Please have the dance professional email the letter to and so it can be uploaded to your portal.
- Pre-screen Video (See details under Audition Preparation)
For Incoming Freshmen and Transfer Applicants
- Upload and view materials at Pre-screen videos will not be viewed and information regarding the audition outcome will not be processed until all materials are complete.
- Activate your Montclair State Account through the email from The Office of Undergraduate Admissions with the subject line: Thank you for Applying to Montclair State!
- Check your inbox for an email from The Office of Undergraduate Admissions with the subject line: Information about your Montclair State Dance Audition. This email will guide you through uploading your pre-screen video and registering for an audition.
For Incoming Freshmen and Transfer Applicants Auditioning Through a Partner Organization
In 2024-2025 our Partner Organizations include Revel Dance Convention (FL), NYDCA (NY & AZ), Dancewave/DTCB (NY), and Booker T. Washington College Showcase (TX).
If you are auditioning through one of these partner organizations, you are not required to submit a pre-screen video, however, you are required to submit all of the other materials listed above to complete your University application. After your audition with the partner organization has taken place and you have applied to the University, you will receive an email from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions with the result.
How to Apply:
- Participate or plan to participate in an audition through a partner organization.
- Register 1 with the Partner Organization.
- Register 2* here and choose the partner organization audition event – even if you have already auditioned. Registering for the partner organization audition event through our website allows us to connect your audition result to your University Application. If you have auditioned through a partner organization, your audition result will not be posted unless you have also registered through the Montclair State University website.
* If you registered at Revel Dance Convention (FL), NYDCA (NY & AZ), you do not need to register. We have done that on your behalf.
For Current Montclair State Students – Change of Major
For Montclair State Students currently enrolled who wish to change their major to Dance, you must first email our Dance Admissions Coordinator Christina Paolucci ( and request the necessary form. Then, you will need to upload the following items to the form:
- Montclair State transcripts
- Resume of dance experience
- Personal Statement
- Full body dance pose of any kind showing line, form, and expression
- Two letters of recommendation
- One from an academic teacher
- One from a dance professional
- Pre-screen Video (See details under Audition Preparation)
If you have any questions about the audition process, please contact our Dance Admissions Coordinator, Christina Paolucci at
Pre-screen Video Submission to determine if the applicant moves forward to a full audition. A 2-3 minute solo in the modern or contemporary genre. The solo may be videoed in a studio or outdoors, or it could be from a performance. The footage must be recent – within the past six months.
Video Introduction Guidelines: At the start of the video, identify the following either as text or as a spoken introduction.
- Applicant’s name and state
- Choreographer(s) of the piece
There is an option to submit a second 2-3 minute video in a different genre (tap, hip hop, ballet, flamenco, etc) This is not required, but if submitted, make sure to follow the introduction guidelines. There is a separate link in the registration form.
For all submissions: We can only accept YOUTUBE or VIMEO links through the registration portal. We can not receive video links by email or documents with a link.
Video Attire: Make sure to wear clothing that allows adjudicators to see you and your movement clearly. Avoid dark colors on a dark background; oversized, thick, or loose clothing that obscures movement; and hairstyles that cover the face.
Note: Pre-screens will only be reviewed if all materials are complete. This includes a letter of recommendation from a dance professional and an academic teacher.
Full Audition after Pre-screen
After the dance faculty reviews the pre-screen video submission and other materials, applicants will be notified if they are being invited, or not, to attend the full audition. Applicants invited to a full audition will stay at Montclair State for the entire audition session, moving through each section of the audition process. About 3-5 days before the audition date, applicants will receive an email from Christina Paolucci with any updates and detailed information about the audition, including the link to send one’s solo music.
Our faculty will be looking for the following criteria:
- Generous collaboration with other people
- Fluidity of movement within personal space and through space
- Clear body articulation
- Use of momentum to power movement
- Curiosity and tenacity
- Rhythmic acuity
- Spatial awareness
- Clear point of view and opinions in writing and/or the interview
- Expression in dance practice — this may be through dynamics, line, face, etc.
- Authenticity in personal expression
Please note that ballet remains an important part of our dance training curriculum, even though it is not part of the audition process.
In-Person Audition Day Schedule:
The in-person audition days will last from 11:45 am – approximately 6:00 pm. The audition will consist of:
- Information session and opportunity to meet with current dance majors
- Contemporary Class
- Group Improvisation
- Solo Performance
- The audition solo is to be 1 minute in length and must be in the modern/contemporary genre. It does not have to be the exact one you sent in for the pre-screen process. Wear the shoes, or socks in which it was choreographed. Identify the choreographer, or if it is self-choreographed. NOTE: Please do not include any “no hand” gymnastic-style movements such as aerials, and backflips.
- Group Interviews
Virtual Audition Day Schedule:
The virtual audition day will last from 12:00 pm – approximately 5:00 pm EST. The Zoom link and virtual audition instructions will be sent by email from Christina Paolucci about 3 – 5 days before the audition.
- Information session and opportunity to meet with current dance majors
- Contemporary Class
- Improvisation session
- Group Interviews
You may view your required items at any time and upload materials at You must first activate your Montclair State account through the email you received from Undergraduate Admissions with the subject line: Thank you for Applying to Montclair State!, if you have not already done so.
If you have any questions about your audition process please contact Christina Paolucci at
Director of Dance

Professor, Theatre and Dance
- Phone
- 973-655-7831
- Location
- Life Hall
Coordinator, BA Dance

Coordinator, BFA Dance

Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance
- Phone
- 973-655-7893
- Location
- Life Hall
Dance Admissions Coordinator