Photo of two adult students having a conversation.

PhD in Teacher Education and Teacher Development

The PhD in Teacher Education and Teacher Development is the first of its kind in the region–and one of only a few in the country–and is based on the most current research in teacher preparation and learning. It builds on Montclair State University’s nationally recognized programs in teacher preparation and provides a unique opportunity for those who wish to become future leaders in the preparation and development of teachers.

Program graduates will seek employment in colleges and universities, schools and school districts, state agencies, professional development organizations and foundations as academic faculty members, researchers, school and district leaders and supervisors, staff developers, education policymakers and consultants.

Program Description

The education of young people for active participation in a democratic, diverse and information-based society depends on the knowledge, skills and commitment of practicing teachers. There is an increasingly urgent need for well-qualified teachers across the United States and especially in high-poverty urban school districts. Attending to the initial preparation and ongoing professional development of teachers is therefore fundamental to the well being of society. In keeping with this priority, the PhD in Teacher Education and Teacher Development aims to develop scholars and practitioners who will assume positions as teacher educators, defined broadly to include: (a) professors in schools and colleges of education, community colleges and adult education programs responsible for preparing the future generation of teachers; (b) educational leaders in schools and school districts involved in mentoring student teachers and in designing and implementing induction programs for novice teachers as well as professional development opportunities for all teachers; and (c) leaders in state departments of education and other agencies helping to establish policy and design programs to improve the quality of the teaching force. Drawing on the recognized excellence of Montclair State’s undergraduate and master’s level teacher education programs, including a strong connection to public schools, the program offers students the opportunity to engage in advanced study of how teachers learn to teach in multicultural contexts and how they develop throughout their careers.