Photo of the Abbey of Senanque and blooming rows lavender flowers at sunset in France.

Faculty-Led Programs Steps


Step 1
Make an appointment with the Faculty Director

Book an appointment with the Faculty Director for your program choice. The Faculty Director will provide further information on the program site and activities, academic advising and approval of your course selection for programs with multiple options.

Step 2
Complete part one of the Montclair State University study abroad application

Start an application by choosing the program and clicking apply now.

Explore Faculty-Led Programs

Once you create an application, a checklist will appear to guide you through the process. Application materials include:

  1. $100 non-refundable application fee
  2. Interview and Faculty Director approval

When you are ready, you will submit your application and it will be reviewed.

Non-Montclair State students will need to complete the following additional materials in your application for a summer program (Spring Break programs are not open to visiting students):

  1. Additional $100 non-Montclair State University application fee
  2. Interview and Faculty Director approval – may be by phone if necessary
  3. Home institution transcript

Certain programs have additional requirements- see the program checklist.