Study Abroad, Social Media Internship…more!
Marvel Trivia, Super Bowl Watch Party, Win Amazon Gift Cards, IFC Recruitment…more!
Posted in: Announcements, Deadlines, Events, Featured News, Red Hawk News

Social Media Internship Opportunity!
Under the Department of Student Communications, this unpaid internship will have various levels of responsibility and duties, based on experience and interest. There are opportunities to create and manage content for the Red Hawk Life Instagram, Twitter and YouTube page. We are looking for skills including photography, videography and graphic design! Our team meets for creative meetings bi-weekly Monday’s at 4 p.m. and we would love for you to join us! Apply for Red Hawk Life Today!
Summer Session Registration Currently Available!
Reduce the time to achieve your degree by picking up a class, or two, this Summer Session. Registration is now open! Did you know, you can actually complete 12 credits, a full-time load, this summer without overlapping any of your courses? Registration is open and classes are filling quickly. There are over 900 courses to choose from! Check Out the Schedule!
Study Away Opportunity
Always wanted to study abroad but don’t want to commit to a whole semester? Consider studying away! Check out details for Montclair in Sicily: Culture and Sustainability, a faculty-led 2-week study abroad program based in Taormina, Sicily or Montclair in Italy: Archaeology Field School at Villa of the Antonines, a month long program 18 miles from Rome! Both programs run in July and the deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 28. The World Is Your Classroom!
The Night Falls
All across America, people on the brink of despair begin to have the same nightmare, including Felis Robles, a teenager from Queens, NY whose boyfriend has recently died. Night after night, Felis dreams of three women transformed into monstrous birds singing to him in his sleep. Join us for the world premiere on Thursday, February 9 and Friday, February 10, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, February 11, 8 p.m. and Sunday, February 12, 3 p.m., Alexander Kasser Theater. Students – Get Your Free Ticket Today!
Free Swim Lessons
Take your swimming to the next level this semester! Every night Monday-Thursday between February 6 and May 4, 5:30-6:30 p.m. we will be hosting swimming lessons with our instructors at the Student Recreation Center, Pool. These FREE lessons are drop-in and open to swimmers of all abilities. Students can use these lessons to improve their skills, learn a new stroke, or just get some exercise and enjoy the water! Hop in the Pool!
Darwin Day
The Biology Department will host the seventh Darwin Day and Whener Research Symposium., Friday, February 10, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Student Center, Ballroom A. Take a deep dive into primordial waters as you learn from faculty, your fellow students and keynote speaker Dr. Kat Milligan-McClellan from the University of Connecticut! RSVP on Engage!
Support Women’s Sports!
In partnership with Coca-Cola and Togethxr, the Montclair State Department of Athletics is calling on you to come and support women’s sports this month to celebrate 50 years of Title IX! “Check-in” at the next Women’s Basketball Game vs Kean on Saturday, February 11, 3 p.m., Panzer Athletic Center for your chance to win nearly $700.00 in Gift Cards! Come Out!
How Are Your Classes Going?
Now that you’re settled into your spring semester classes, you may find a notice come to your attention via Navigate about your progress and performance in your classes. Every semester we ask instructors to inform you and your advisor if there are ways you can improve. These messages, called progress reports, will come to you in email anytime in the next two weeks beginning today, Monday, February 6. Learn More about Progress Reports!
Upcoming Events and Activities:
- IFC Recruitment: The Interfraternity Council (IFC) spring recruitment is around the corner and now is the time to register! Formal recruitment will run from Monday, February 6 through Friday, February 10, with events and sessions that will allow you to get to know the brothers of each IFC organization. The IFC Greek Orgs are Alpha Chi Rho (ΑXP), Delta Chi (ΔX), Kappa Sigma (KΣ), Phi Delta Theta (ΦΔΘ), Pi Kappa Alpha (ΠKA), Sigma Pi (ΣΠ) and Theta Xi (ΘΞ).
- Stop & Go! With CSI: Monday, February 6, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Student Center, 3rd Floor, Commuter Commons.
- Study Abroad Information Session: Tuesday, February 7, 1-1:30 p.m., Thursday, February 9, 10-10:30 a.m., Monday, February 13, 1-1:30 p.m. and Tuesday, February 14, 1-1:30 p.m., Cole Hall, Room 349.
- Rec Nights – Snack Bowl Decorating: Tuesday, February 7, 7-9 p.m., Student Recreation Center, Lounge.
- Moving Screening – JED Foundation’s “Each and Every Day”: Wednesday, February 8, 12-2 p.m., Student Center, Ballrooms A&B.
- Prestigious Scholarship Info Session: Wednesday, February 8, 2-3 p.m., Online.
- It Takes a Village – Birth + Liberation in Communities of Color: Wednesday, February 8, 2-3:30 p.m., Online.
- Feminist Found Art: Wednesday, February 8, 3-5 p.m., George Segal Gallery.
- Pool Bingo: Wednesday, February 8, 6-8 p.m., Student Recreation Center, Pool.
- “Are Virtual Lives Worth Living” – Philosophy for Lunch: Thursday, February 9, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Center for Environmental and Life Sciences, Room 207.
- HACU Paid 2023 Internships Info Session: Thursday, February 9, 1-2 p.m., Online.
- Marvel Trivia: Thursday, February 9, 8-9 p.m., Student Center, Rathskeller.
- Spa & Self Care Night: Friday, February 10, 6-8 p.m., Student Center, Ballrooms.
- Men’s Basketball vs Kean: Saturday, February 11, 1-2:30 p.m., Panzer Athletic Center.
- Women’s Basketball vs Kean: Saturday, February 11, 3-5 p.m., Panzer Athletic Center.
- Sweet n’ Social: Saturday, February 11, 7-9 p.m., Student Center, Dining Room.
- The Big Game Bash: Sunday, February 12, 6-11 p.m., Student Recreation Center, Lounge.
- Valentine’s Day Paint & Sip: Tuesday, February 14, 1:30-4 p.m., Student Center, Rathskeller.
- We LOVE Our First-Gen Students!: Tuesday, February 14, 2-3:30 p.m., Student Center, Room 411.
- Montclair Starts Up: Wednesday, February 15, 6-8 p.m., Feliciano School of Business, Room 140.
Important Reminders and Resources
- Get Academic Support: CAST Academic Support is excited for the spring semester! Tutoring, Academic Coaching and Supplemental Instruction schedules are now live for students in Navigate.
- WSJ College Pulse Ranking Survey: Survey about Your College Experience Here at Montclair State University.
- Bookstore Discount: Did you know you can get 10% off all regularly priced items at the University Bookstore every Friday if you wear something Montclair?! That’s right! Show your Red Hawk Pride every Friday!
- Religious Holidays: Montclair State University embraces the diversity of its student body and the University endeavors to provide an environment that is inclusive and supportive. Review Important information related to religious observation and classes/coursework.
- What’s Open?: Make sure you are aware of this handy website that tells you what’s open right now, what’s opening in the next 30 minutes or closing in the next 30 minutes!
Dates and Deadlines
- Apply to Be an Orientation Leader, University Fellow or Both!: Applications are now open! The deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 14, 11:59 p.m.
- Last Day to Withdraw from a Full Semester Class at 50% Adjustment: Tuesday, February 14.
- Deadline to Apply to Graduate for May 2023 Candidates: Wednesday, February 15.
- First-Gen Honor Society: Apply to the Tri-Alpha First-Gen Honor Society! The application deadline is Sunday, February 19.
- Student Research Symposium: Participate in this year’s University-wide Student Research Symposium on Wednesday, April 26! Abstract submission is open until Monday, March 13.
- Important Dates: Never miss a deadline with this website.