Student Debt Relief
Initial Information Provided by the Federal Government.
Posted in: Announcements, Featured News, Red Hawk Central, Red Hawk News

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The information and details for Debt Relief are evolving but we can share basic information as we know it now:
Federal Student Aid and the Biden-Harris Administration have announced loan forgiveness plans of up to $20,000 for prior Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 for all other loan borrowers.
Details of how this program will work, who will qualify and how borrowers will request forgiveness of their loans are yet to be released by Federal Student Aid. The University does not have any more information at this time than what has been shared publicly. The University will be providing further information as it becomes available.
There are several sources of information that may be helpful while we wait for details:
Borrowers who wish to receive information on this from Federal Student Aid may sign up for notifications:
We have received word that the Federal Student Aid will be utilizing information that they already have in their records to make this process as simple as possible for borrowers. For example, Federal Student Aid has records of which students have received Pell Grants, so students will not have to ask their schools to provide that information.
Avoid Scams
Borrowers should understand that neither Federal Student Aid nor student loan servicing companies will call borrowers about this program. If you receive a phone call from a company offering to help you with this process, it is likely a scam.
The best resource for any questions you might have about this program is the Federal Student Aid website.