Things to Remember!
Masks, Add/Drop, Waitlist, Health Insurance, Parking and Engage!
Posted in: Academic, Announcements, Deadlines, Events, Featured News, Parking and Shuttle, Red Hawk Central, Red Hawk News

The start of the semester is always a busy time and this fall is no exception. We just want to be sure you remember to review some key information and plan on upcoming deadlines as you return to campus.
Wear Your Mask!
All employees, students, contractors and visitors must wear face coverings at all times indoors, except when alone in a private room, as well as worn outdoors in crowded settings and in all University vehicles – including shuttles. Masks may be removed while eating and drinking – but only when it is possible to keep at least six feet of distance between yourself and others. Also view: Conversations About Masks.
Do you have your schedules all set for the start of class on Thursday, September 2? If not, don’t worry! There is still time to add a class to your schedule before the deadline of Thursday, September 16 (Deadline has been extended). (It’s also the last day to drop a full semester class at 100% adjustment.) If you need assistance or have questions, talk with your advisor today! View Dates & Deadlines!
Fall Waitlists
Per the university policy, waitlisting will end 48 hours prior to the end of drop add. Please Note: As of Tuesday, September 7, at 11:59 p.m., all available waitlist seats will be removed from the class schedule. Any waitlist requests will be purged from student records on Friday, September 10. Read the Full Waitlist Policy.
Waive Your Health Insurance!
Full-time students must either enroll in the Student Health Insurance plan (SHIP) OR be covered by a comprehensive Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant health insurance plan and then waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. To ensure compliance, you are automatically billed for the SHIP, but you have the option to waive it by submitting an online waiver by Monday, September 20, 2021. Get More Information about Student Health Insurance.
Parking Permit
All vehicles parking on Montclair State University’s campus must be registered to a valid Montclair State University permit or pay for daily parking beginning Wednesday, September 1 or you will risk getting a ticket by Parking Services. We know these last two years have been lenient and this summer parking was even free! But as we get back in the swing of things we remind you permits are required for everyone parking on campus. Don’t Forget to Get Your Parking Permit!
Connect with Engage
Have you logged into Engage yet? What are you waiting for?! Engage is an involvement platform which helps connect you to student organizations and departments and gives you an opportunity to explore what we have to offer within our campus community. Don’t forget to download the Corq app (which connects to Engage) as you will need it to get into most on campus events! Let’s Engage Together!
Dates to Remember
Important Dates: Bookmark this page and never miss a deadline.