Avoid the Ticket – Get Your Permit!
If You’re Planning to Park on Campus, Be Sure to Get Your Permit Before Wednesday, September 1.
Posted in: Announcements, Facilities, Featured News, Parking and Shuttle, Red Hawk Central, Red Hawk News, Safety

Driving to campus? Planning to park in a surface lot or parking deck? Be sure you have your parking permit before Wednesday, September 1!
Permit Required
All cars parked in surface lots or Car Parc Diem require a Montclair State University permit. Read about all your permit options.
Where Can You Park?
Depending on the type of permit you purchase, you’ll be able to park in certain surface lots, the Car Parc Diem or NJ Transit parking Deck. You also can park in the Red Hawk parking deck by either purchasing a specific permit for the deck or paying an hourly fee. Also, you can download the PaybyPhone app to pay to park in Commuter/General lots or Car Parc Diem deck if you do not have a parking permit.
Check the Signs
Each surface lot has signs indicating which permit is allowed to park there. The signs are color-coded and detail the designated permit.
For example, yellow indicates Commuter/General parking permit access, while orange indicates Faculty/Staff parking.
Lot 19 is designated as Faculty/Staff from 6 a.m. – 4 p.m. and then becomes available to all parking permit holders 4 p.m. – 3:30 a.m.
Read the signs carefully and get to know the Parking Map.
Parking Website’s Got the Details!
It’s a good idea to check out the Parking Services website where you’ll find information about:
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Parking Rates and Fees
- Parking Regulations
- Visitor Parking
- Zipcars
Remember…avoid getting a ticket…get a permit and learn where you can park!