Are You Ready for Spring?
Check Your Spring Schedule Modalities and Syllabus Information.
Posted in: Academic, Announcements, Featured News, Red Hawk Central, Red Hawk News

We’re all looking forward to the beginning of the spring semester on Monday, February 8. It’s important that you prepare for your classes by reviewing the modality and syllabus of each class for which you are registered.
Class Modality
Spring courses will be delivered in multiple ways. Some will be entirely remote, some will be entirely in-person, and some will be a mixture of online and on-campus delivery. Different sections of the same course may be delivered differently. Please look carefully at your spring schedule in NEST to understand the modality for each of your scheduled classes. Be sure to go beyond the first page of your schedule to investigate the modality of each course. If your course requires attendance on campus, please be prepared to do so. You can learn about the different ways that courses are delivered by visiting the course modalities web page on the Red Hawk Central website.
Class Syllabus
It is important that you review the syllabus for each of your spring classes, which your professor will be uploading over the coming weeks. Log into your Canvas account to find the syllabus for your class. The syllabus should detail whether the class is synchronous online with Zoom, some version of HawkLIVE or HawkMIX with dates of required campus appearances — or whatever your specific instructional mode will be. Your faculty members’ expectations for camera usage during remote learning sessions also should be included.
It is important to understand that the class modality can not be altered. If you are in a course that is taught in a modality that includes expectations you cannot meet, you may choose a different course via NEST.
Please Note: Monday, February 15 is the last day you can add a full semester class to your spring schedule. View the Important Dates web page.
Need Help with Online Learning?
Are you struggling with your modality? Looking for pointers in how to manage your time in an online environment? Do you need some new strategies for success in your courses? Would you like to find a tutor who can help you in your course? We can help!
Visit the Center for Academic Success & Tutoring to sign up for a workshop or view recorded workshop, schedule an appointment with a tutor or academic coach, or have a virtual meeting with a staff member to take a learning inventory to discuss tactics and create a plan for success this spring.
Still Have Questions?
Contact your academic advisor or your Dean’s office. Your advisor can discuss your options with you if you have questions about your modalities and course availability.