Maximize Your Staycation this Winter!
Take the Lead and Winter Courses to Consider.
Posted in: Academic, Announcements, Deadlines, Featured News, Red Hawk Central

Get a hold of your academic progress and maximize your “staycation” this winter. With a variety of online courses to choose from, the Winter Session provides you with the opportunity to take control of your future, remotely. In a world where there may be several circumstances outside of your individual control, take the lead on one factor that you can control – your education and the opportunity to get one step closer to your degree this winter.
View the course schedule to choose from many courses that satisfy general education, major, minor or concentration requirements. It’s not too late to register for winter, courses begin on Tuesday, December 15.
How to Take the Lead:
- Catch up or get ahead on degree credits.
- Reduce your course load for the spring semester.
- Concentrate on one challenging course.
Not Sure What To Take?
- SOCI 102 – 41 (10034) Racial and Ethnic Relations: Boost your awareness surrounding the social, psychological and structural sources of racism, the consequences of this phenomenon to groups, and situation and comparative data. Meets Gen Ed – Social Science Perspectives. Meets World Cultures Requirement.
- MKTG 341 – 41 (10124) Consumer Behavior: Analyze consumer behavior related theories and concepts, which contribute towards successful domestic and international marketing management. This will include understanding behavioral science findings, market research techniques and consumer attitudes and socio-economic and demographic variables as they apply to end-user consumers. Restriction(s): Business Administration major, Recreation Profession major, Fashion Studies major or Nutrition and Food Science major with concentration in Food Management.
- PSYC 330 – 41 (10101) Forensic Psychology: Examine the interaction between psychology and the legal system. Emphasis is placed on the assessment and diagnosis of psychopathic behavior, court-mandated evaluations and the role of the psychologist as expert witness.
- LATN 101 – 41 (10024) Beginning Latin I: Learn the fundamentals of classical Latin grammar. Meets World Languages Requirement.
- THTR 100 – 41 (10061) Introduction to the Theatrical Medium: Increase your understanding, appreciation and critical perceptions of the theatrical event. Readings and lectures will focus on the elements of theatrical practice, artists and innovators of theatre throughout history and the theatre’s development as an art form and a social phenomenon. Meets Gen Ed – Fine and Performing Arts.
For additional information or assistance, please email Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates on the Winter Session!