Review Your Registration
Updates to Instructional Modalities for Spring 2021 – Connect with Your Advisor Today!
Posted in: Academic, Announcements, Featured News, Red Hawk Central

Have you registered for spring 2021? If so, review your spring 2021 instructional modalities on NEST. If not, your academic advisors are here to help get you on track! You can book an appointment with them via Navigate to plan your schedule; make sure you talk about the updated spring 2021 instructional modalities. The modality listed for each course is required; be sure you understand what is expected from you.
In-Person Instruction
Any of the following in-person instructional modalities (Hawk2Hawk, HawkLIVE, HawkMIX or HawkFIELD) WILL REQUIRE some in-person, on-campus class attendance, as provided by the instructor’s in-person attendance policy in the class syllabus. If you need/prefer to take classes offered completely online see the “Online Instruction” section below.
- Hawk2Hawk (H2H): Traditional face-to-face (F2F) class setting to be held entirely in-person, on campus during the days and times listed.
- HawkLIVE (HLV): Face-to-face (F2F), synchronous instruction held simultaneously in-person and online. You will be required to come in person to class at specific times determined by your professor. Due to limitations to the number of people allowed to be present in a classroom at one time, you will attend class in person on a regular, rotating schedule. You must come in/log in to your class time during the days and times listed.
- HawkMIX (HMX): Some of the class sessions will be online and some will be in person as determined by your instructor.
- HawkFIELD (HFD): Courses that have off-campus and in-person elements, for example, student teaching and internships.
Please Note: Look carefully for any location, day or time requirements when registering for class.
Online Instruction
If you wish to be completely virtual for spring 2021, you must register for courses in the fully online instruction modalities (HawkSYNC Online – Synchronous or HawkASYNC Online – Asynchronous).
- HawkSYNC Online – Synchronous (SON): A fully online class that requires you to log on at specific days and times to be “in class” with your instructor and classmates.
- HawkASYNC Online – Asynchronous (AON): A fully online class that does not require you to log on at a specific day or time. Your instructor will create deadlines for you to adhere to at your own pace.
Search by Instructional Modalities
Did you know you can search for classes on NEST by instructional modalities? For example, if you know you want to be completely virtual for the spring 2021 semester, you can search directly for just HawkSYNC or HawkASYNC Online! The search will let you know right away whether or not a class is being offered in that modality for the spring 2021 semester. View Details on How to Search for Classes.
If you have any questions, please contact your advisor today!
If you require accommodations, please contact the Disability Resource Center.