Back to College…Hall!
After its Major Renovation, Life Is Returning to College Hall.
Posted in: Announcements, Dean of Students News, Facilities, Featured News, Red Hawk Central, Red Hawk News

College Hall is back! Offices are coming back to life, including Red Hawk Central, with its outstanding one-stop service counter available on the second floor!
Building Hours
College Hall will be home to many administrative offices and also student lounge areas. The building is open:
- Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.
- Saturday & Sunday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Who’s Where?
Personnel from several administrative offices are already moving in, with some still to come. These include:
1st Floor
- Rooms 101/103: The Pod Express/Panera Bread Company (January 19, 2021)
- Suite 142: Health Careers
- Suite 149: Career Services
- Suite 100/110/113: Undergraduate Admissions
- Suite 113: Summer and Winter Sessions
- Suite 131: Center for Community Engagement
2nd Floor
- Suite 230/232: Red Hawk Central One-Stop Service Counters (Financial Aid, Student Accounts and Registrar’s Office Services)
- Suite 231: University Counsel
- Suite 248: Office of the Provost
- Suite 249: Office of the President
3rd Floor
- Suite 300/319: University College
- Suite 301: Educational Opportunity Fund Programs (EOF)
- Suite 318: Student Leadership & Engagement
- Suite 331/303: Disability Resource Center
- Suite 338: Vice President’s Office, Enrollment Management
- Suite 348: Dean of Students Office
- Suite 349: Vice President’s Office, Student Development and Campus Life
Panera Pod Express
Panera will be providing full-service starting on January 19, 2021. But in the meantime there’s Panera Pod Express!
Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., stop by the Panera Pod Express, on the first floor to pick up your:
- Coffee: $2.09
- Hot Tea: $1.19
- Bagel Plain: $1.59
- Bagel with Butter: $2.19
- Bagel with Cream Cheese: $2.79
- Muffin or Danish: $2.15
- Pound Cake: $2.20
- Quaker Oatmeal Cup: $2.19
- Soup (12oz): 3.79
They are accepting cash, credit card, Flex and Red Hawk Dollars.