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Take Care of Holds!

Some Holds Prevent Registration. Check Fin Aid Loan Options. Registration Begins Monday, October 5!

Posted in: Announcements, Featured News, Red Hawk Central, Red Hawk News

All accounts with an outstanding balance have been placed on a hold. Winter and spring 2021 registration begins Monday, October 5. To ensure your successful registration, make sure you take care of all holds you might have before registration begins.

Payments can be mailed or made online via NEST. You may use any one form or combination of payment options below to satisfy your bill. For more information on payment options, please visit the Payment Options web page.

If you have financial aid (student loans) in an ‘Offered’ status, you can use the loans to help reduce your balance. Accept them on NEST and, if this is your first time borrowing at Montclair, complete Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note at Please Note: It may take up to a week for the loan to be processed and pay toward your bill.

What are “Holds?”

Holds are placed on your account when you have not completed paperwork required by the University or have not paid your outstanding bill or fine. You can check to see if you have a hold on your account by:

  • Logging into your NEST account.
  • Select the “Register for Classes” page from the left toolbar.
  • In the “Registrar’s Office Tools” portlet select “View Your Holds.”

What Do I Do If I Have a Hold?

Make sure you take the action required to remove the hold before you are scheduled to register for classes. The first step is to call the office (shown as originator) on your record to understand how to remove the hold.

Can I Register before I Take the Required Action to Remove the Hold?

Every hold is different. To understand what is required of you, contact the appropriate office (shown as originator on your account) to understand how the hold affects you. Below are examples of the most common holds. Students with an outstanding balance are unable to register or receive transcripts because they are blocked by holds. It is important for you to take action immediately.

Common Types of Holds

SF Financial Holds

Financial holds are placed on student accounts when students have not paid their outstanding bill. This hold WILL PREVENT registration, the release of transcripts and diploma.

You can pay on NEST using a credit/debit card or with an electronic check.

You can view your bill by:

  • Logging into your NEST account.
  • Navigate to the “Student Accounts” page and select “Statement and Payment History” under the “View My Bill” portlet.
  • Reminder: If you have financial aid (student loans) in an ‘Offered’ status, you can use the loans to help reduce your balance. Accept them on NEST and, if this is your first time borrowing at Montclair, complete Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note at Understand it may take up to a week for the loan to be processed and pay toward your bill.

SA Small Balance Holds

This is a transcript hold. It prevents the release of a transcript, diploma and the ability to view your grades until your account small balance is paid in full. This hold does NOT affect registration.

Non-Sufficient Funds Hold

This is a hold which is placed on an account when a payment is returned due to insufficient funds or another reason as stated by your bank. This hold will remain on an account until the returned payment amount, plus the returned check service charge, is paid in full. This hold prevents the release of a transcript, diploma and the ability to view your grades until your account balance is paid in full.

Parking Fine Hold

This hold is applied to any student with an outstanding parking ticket. This hold WILL PREVENT registration, the release of transcripts and diploma.

Immunization Hold

  • HI Holds: All students must submit required Immunizations to the University Health Center. For more information, please visit the immunization web page. This type of hold WILL PREVENT registration.
  • HN Holds: These do NOT prevent registration.

Graduation Continuous Matriculation Hold

This Deactivation Registration hold is applied to graduate students who have failed to adhere to the Continuous Matriculation Policy.


There are specific departments responsible for specific holds. Please be sure to contact the correct office if calling or emailing about questions pertaining to your hold(s).