Payment Options and Insurance Information
Details about Paying your Fall 2020 Bill and Waiving Your Health Insurance.
Posted in: Announcements, Deadlines, Featured News, Red Hawk Central

The due date for the fall 2020 bill is Monday, August 17.
However, all students have until Tuesday, October 27 to satisfy their bill with no financial penalty. After October 27, a late fee will be assessed.
Payments can be mailed or made online via NEST. You may use any one form or combination of payment options below to satisfy your bill. For more information on payment options, please visit the Payment Options web page.
TouchNet Installment Payment Plan:
- Fall 2020 payment plan is officially open online via NEST for a limited time.
- You can enroll in one (1) active plan for one (1) semester at a time.
- This plan is interest-free and available with only a $30.00 enrollment fee.
- If not included already, Room and Board will be added to your invoice as soon as a selection is made. Your plan balance will be updated within 24 hours.
- Payment plan payments are only accepted online via NEST.
- Visit the Tuition Payment Plan web page for further information.
Electronic Check (E-Check) or Credit/Debit Card:
- Please Note: Credit/debit cards are not accepted at the Cashier’s Window
- Electronic check payments will be processed at NO additional cost. All electronic check or credit/debit card payments must be made on NEST via TouchNet.
- When paying by credit/debit card there is a non-refundable processing fee charged by our credit card servicer of 2.85% of your payment (there is a minimum payment of $.50 with a $3.00 fee when using a credit/debit card).
Mail a Check/Money Order:
- Make a check/money order payable to Montclair State University and mail to: Montclair State University; Attn: Cashier’s Office
1 Normal Ave; Montclair, NJ 07043 - Please include your CWID number on the check/money order.
Cash: While Webster Hall is a temporary location and for the continued safety of all, we highly encourage students to continue paying online using an electronic check or credit card via NEST.
Please Note: Cash payments will be permitted on Monday, August 17 only. After Monday, August 17 cash payments will be accepted by appointment only. Please contact Daphne Reynoso or Marion Caggiano. Once a day and time is arranged, you may pay with cash at the Cashier’s Window. This is a restricted arrangement put in place due to the pandemic, do not assume the Cashier’s Window will be open if you do not have an appointment.
Waive or Purchase Your University Health Insurance
Montclair State University requires undergraduate students enrolled in twelve (12) or more credits and graduate students enrolled in nine (9) or more credits to carry health insurance. All students that meet this criterion are automatically assessed the applicable charge for this health insurance coverage and will be responsible for this charge unless coverage is waived as described below. The waiver/enrollment website is officially open!
If you wish to waive the University Health Insurance, you must provide proof of alternative coverage by completing the online waiver prior to the extended deadline of Monday, October 12, 2020 (Original deadline was Monday, September 28, 2020). Insurance information is not accepted at the University.
- If you wish to enroll in (purchase) the University Health Insurance, administered by Aetna Student Health, you may self enroll prior to the University enrollment period.
- If you do not complete a waiver by Monday, October 12, 2020 (Original deadline was Monday, September 28, 2020), you will be automatically enrolled in the Aetna University Health Insurance after the waiver deadline.
Get more information on health insurance and check out our How To Guide on waiving or enrolling in student health insurance.