The outside of Blanton Hall on a sunny day with students walking around.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Written by Carol Miller, BSN, RN

Posted in: Health Tips

Infographic about the 20-20-20 rules

The eye and vision system are normally developed by the early 20’s and tend to remain normal though the 30’s. Taking care of your eyes now is important, and many things are simple to incorporate into your daily life.

The 20-20-20 Rule

The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the following rule of 20-20-20 when using digital screen devices. For every 20 minutes on the device look 20 feet away for twenty seconds which allows the eye to rest. Avoid using digital screens outside or in brightly lit areas as the glare on the screen can create eye strain. Staring at any device for too long will prevent the blink response which is designed to keep the eye moist.

Keep Your Eyes in Good Shape!

Tips to keep in mind include:

  • Strategies to reduce eye strain:
    • Alternate digital reading with paper books
    • Look into the distance every 20 minutes
  • Don’t share makeup and toss after three months
  • Practice good hygiene:
    • Keep contact lenses clean
    • Clean your lenses and frames
    • Don’t sleep in contacts unless prescribed by your doctor
  • Wear the correct eye protection for activity:
    • Wear sport safety glasses when indicated
    • Use safety glasses if you are doing things which involve chemicals, dust, wood chips, or flying particles.
  • Keep your body healthy to keep your eyes healthy:
    • Healthy food choices including yellow and orange vegetables
    • Get 7-8 hours of sleep at night
  • Protect your eyes from harmful sun rays!
    • Choose sunglasses which block UVA and UVB
  • Get regular eye exams

Want More Info?

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