The Hawk Statue on a bright sunny day.

Division Leadership and Support Staff

Dawn Meza Soufleris profile photo

Dawn Meza Soufleris

Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life, Student Development and Campus Life

Student Center, 402

Dawn Meza Soufleris, PhD, joined Student Development and Campus Life on April 5, 2021. The vice president oversees 22 departments with nearly 300 employees and some 700 student workers.

Soufleris brings more than 30 years of leadership experience in student affairs and earned a doctorate in Sociology from the University at Buffalo and bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Binghamton University. She has conducted research on how homeschooled students make the transition to a residential college experience, and she has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Sociology, Women and Gender Studies, American Culture and Criminal Justice, including seminars on sexual violence and on professional leadership.

Soufleris views her role as helping students succeed academically and grow personally. Over the course of her career, she has provided leadership for a wide range of student support services, from housing, wellness, campus safety, recreation and student engagement, as well as recruitment and retention. Among her many accomplishments, Soufleris points to the focus she has given to student well-being, including establishing teams that are trained to respond to bias-related incidents and to assist students experiencing mental health challenges or other difficulties impeding their success. She is also a certified suicide prevention trainer.

SDCL Leadership Team

Margaree Coleman-CarterAssociate Vice President and Dean of StudentsSusan A. Cole Hall,
Robert ChesneyAssociate Vice President for Athletics and Recreation/Athletic DirectorRed Hawk Athletic
Melissa GinottiAssociate Vice President, Campus Auxiliary Services and Strategic InitiativesSusan A. Cole Hall,
Kieran BarrettAssociate Vice President and Chief of PoliceUniversity Police

Vice President’s & Dean of Student’s Team

Yolanda AlvarezAssociate Dean of StudentsSusan A. Cole Hall,
Fatima deCarvalhoSenior Associate Dean, Dean of Students OfficeSusan A. Cole Hall,
Christopher TrautmanDirector of Student ConductStudent Center,
Meghan AitkenExecutive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Development and Campus LifeStudent Center,