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Office of Sponsored Programs

Featured Awards – August 2012

Posted in: Featured Awards

A award of $30,000 was given to Charles Du (Biology and Molecular Biology, CSAM) from Henan Agricultural University for “Maize Proteomics Study and Genomics Analysis.” The project will involve DNA and protein comparative analysis of popcorn pathway in maize.  Comparative approach will be carried out to study the popcorn pathway and genome differences among popcorn inbred N04, normal dent inbred Dan 232, B73, Mo17 inbred line, Palomero and related wild species.

The National Science Foundation awarded Eric Forgoston and Lora Billings (Mathematical Sciences, CSAM) with a grant of $278,966 for their project “Understanding the Dynamics of Stochastic Disease Spread in Metapopulations.” Its goal is to attain an understanding of infectious disease outbreak, spread, and extinction in metapopulation models, where migratory effects and stochasticity are included.

Evan Fuller (Mathematical Sciences, CSAM) received a $17,624 sub-award for the third year of a three-year National Science Foundation grant held by Rutgers University. The project, “Proving Styles in University Mathematics,” investigates the prevalence and correlation with success of different proving strategies used by undergraduate math majors.

Jennifer Goeke (Secondary and Special Education, CEHS) received a U.S. Department of Education award of $273,587 for the second year of “Restructuring Preservice Preparation for Innovative Special Education (RePPrISE).” This project will restructure MSU’s existing post-baccalaureate MAT Dual Certification program to prepare middle and secondary educators through three interdisciplinary strands of teacher preparation: inclusive pedagogy; intensive content area preparation in mathematics or science; and Integrative STEM (iSTEM) education.

Pankaj Lal (Earth and Environmental Studies, CSAM) was awarded $349,963 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for his project “Assessing Socioeconomic Impacts of Forest Biomass Based Biofuel Development on Rural Communities in the Southern United States (U.S.).”

Robert McCormick (Center for Child Advocacy, CHSS) received $233,248 from the State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families for the project entitled “Post BA Certificate in Child Advocacy”.  This is an ongoing certificate program that in collaboration with DCF provides students with a multidisciplinary understanding of the role of the child advocate as seen through the disciplines of law, psychology, and social work.

The New Jersey Commission on National and Community Service has funded Bryan Murdock (Service-Learning and Community Engagement Program) in the amount of $199,181 for the third year of the EECO (Education, Environment and Community Outreach) AmeriCorps project. The project works to assist public schools, non-profits, and other community-based organizations to significantly expand the scope and range of MSU’s community engagement efforts in order to better serve its community partners.

Jennifer Robinson (Center for Pedagogy, CEHS) received an award of $1,121,619 for the fourth year of “Teacher Quality Partnership.” The project involves one hundred new teachers who serve as “resident teachers” by participating in full-time, paid clinical apprenticeships with highly qualified mentor teachers. Simultaneously, residents are engaging in rigorous coursework and will receive a master’s degree and teacher certification in mathematics, science, early childhood/elementary, and special education. Upon completion of the master’s degree, residents will be hired by Newark Public Schools and will receive induction support through the project, which will also be made available to all new teachers in Newark Public Schools.

The Vietnam Education Foundation awarded Robert Taylor (Earth and Environmental Studies, CSAM) $29,700 to teach a class entitled  “Current Issues in Sustainability Science: Technologies for Urban Climate Change Adaptation” at Hochiminh University of Natural Resources & Environment, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The course will investigate the relationship between climate change and urbanization, emphasizing various technologies that cities can utilize to deal with sea level rise and other vulnerabilities that relate to climate change.

Ashuwin Vaidya, Philip Yecko, Arup Mukherjee, and David Trubatch (Mathematical Sciences, CSAM) received a National Science Foundation award of $171,135 for the acquisition of a PIV imaging system for spatial and temporal study of flow patterns.