Featured Awards – November 2015
Posted in: Featured Awards
Paul Bologna (Biology, CSAM) received a $8,000 contract from the Myth Group for “Assessing the Biological Control of Sea Nettles (Chrysaora Quinquecirrha) by Nudibranchs” to explore the efficacy of using native nudibranch as an effective predator of sea nettle polyps.
Gerard Costa and Kaitlin Mulcahy (Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, CEHS) received a $240,560 contract from the NJ Department of Children and Families for “IECMH Training Project Launch 2015 – 2016.”
Pankaj Lal (Earth and Environmental Studies, CSAM) received a $122,553 subaward from the US Department of Energy and the University of Florida for the second year of “US-India Consortium for Sustainable Advanced Biofuels System.” The aim of this project is to develop and optimize advanced non-food biomass (switchgrass in United States and biomass sorghum, pearl millet and bamboo in India) based biofuels and biobased products. Dr. Lal will develop certification standards and conduct economic and environmental analyses of advanced biofuels.
Jorge Lorenzo Trueba (Earth and Environmental Studies, CSAM) received a $365,594 subaward from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the National Science Foundation-funded project “Collaborative Research: Integrated Field and Modeling Investigation of Coupled Barrier-Backbarrier System Responses to Long-Term Coastal Change.” The project will characterize the bi-directional interactions between the natural processes that sculpt the shore and local human responses to shoreline change.
Teresa Rodriguez (Art Galleries) was awarded $12,828 by the NJ State Council of the Arts in support of the George Segal Gallery’s mission to propagate culture and art through exhibitions, educational and scholarly programs, focusing on contemporary art.