February 28, 2017
Featured Awards – February 2017
Posted in: Featured Awards
Mousumi Bose • Nutrition and Food Studies
STAIR II Consortium
National Institutes of Health
Dr. Bose was awarded a training grant from the Sterol and Isoprenoid Research (STAIR) Consortium of the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network. This will allow her to contribute to the research goals of STAIR by investigating rare diseases of sterol metabolism, including nutritional aspects of the peroxisome biogenesis disorders.
Erin Krupa • Mathematical Sciences
Steven Greenstein • Mathematical Sciences
Jennifer Robinson • Center of Pedagogy
Noyce at Montclair: Preparing the Effective Elementary Mathematics Teacher – Years 1-3
National Science Foundation
The goal of the Noyce @ Montclair: Preparing the Effective Elementary Mathematics Teacher (PE2MT) Scholarship Program–a collaboration between Montclair State University and the County College of Morris, in partnership with Newark Public Schools–is to provide exemplary preparation to thirty pre-service teachers for effective elementary mathematics teaching in classrooms in New Jersey’s high-need K-12 schools. Through their participation in the innovative degree program, these students will obtain an undergraduate degree in mathematics along with a K-6 elementary teaching certificate.
Meiyin Wu • Passaic River Institute
Stopping Trash Where it Starts
New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program
This project, funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency, will characterize and identify the sources of trash and floatables of the Passaic River and the Newark Bay, the local conditions contributing to trash dispersal, and community-specific actions for reducing trash at the source. Dr. Wu will fill data and information gaps on prominent sources and types of litter in the greater New York and New Jersey Harbor and Estuary so that pollution prevention measures can be targeted by material, by watershed, and/or by key stakeholders.