May 31, 2015
Featured Awards – May 2015
Posted in: Featured Awards
Gerard Costa (Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, CEHS) received a $419,946 supplement from New Jersey Department of Health/ New Jersey Governor’s Council for Medical Research and Treatment of Autism in support of the Coordinating Center of Montclair State University (CC-MSU).
Jorge Lorenzo Trueba (Earth and Environmental Studies, CSAM) received $16,961 from Rice University to work with their Shell Center for Sustainability on “The stress nexus of coastlines: Population development, infrastructure security, and morphological dynamics of the Upper Texas Gulf Coast.” The project will investigate the interactions between the natural processes that sculpt our rivers and coastlines with human development and infrastructure security.
Jamaal Matthews (Educational Foundations, CEHS) was awarded $142,282 by the National Science Foundation for the second year of the five-year project “How Urban Adolescents Come to Think of Themselves as Mathematicians,” which will study how African American and Latino middle and high school students construct their sense of self-identity with and in mathematics and the role that teachers play in helping to shape those self-opinions.
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology bestowed a 2015 Undergraduate Research Award to Eleanor Ojinnaka (Student, CSAM) and Nina Goodey (Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSAM) in the amount of $1,000 for “Function of Soil Enzymes In Microhabitats Of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil.” The project will investigate high enzymatic activities associated with high heavy metal concentrations in the soil at Liberty State Park. Ms. Ojinnaka will be using the award for research supplies to be used this summer.