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Office of Sponsored Programs

Featured Awards – December 2012

Posted in: Featured Awards

Charles Du (Biology and Molecular Biology, CSAM) received a supplemental subaward in the amount of $74,892 from Rutgers University’s National Science Foundation grant entitled, “TRPGR: New Reverse Genetics Resources for Maize: Production and Indexing Using Next-Generation Sequencing.” This provides the investigators an opportunity to use next generation sequencing technology to analyze the maize genome.  Funds from the grant are being used to support a bioinformatics server.

Eric Forgoston and Lora Billings (Mathematical Sciences, CSAM) received a supplemental award of $12,000 for “Understanding the Dynamics of Stochastic Disease Spread in Metapopulations” from the National Science Foundation.  The project’s objective is to attain an understanding of infectious disease outbreak, spread, and extinction in metapopulation models.