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Office of Sponsored Programs

Featured Awards – September 2012

Posted in: Featured Awards

The National Security Agency awarded Aihua Li (Mathematical Sciences, CSAM) $10,788 for the “Garden State Undergraduate Mathematics Conference 2013-2014” in support of the 2013 conference and a one-day regional workshop for about 50 faculty members from the Greater New York/New Jersey area. GSUCM is an annual all-day mathematics conference in New Jersey for approximately 150 students and 35 schools from throughout the region. The workshop will be the first faculty workshop in New Jersey that focuses on undergraduate research issues. It will provide opportunities for faculty members to share their experiences in directing undergraduate research and out-of-classroom activities in mathematics.

Robert McCormick (Center for Child Advocacy, CHSS) received a $980,049 subaward from Rutgers University for the “New Jersey Child Welfare Training Program” for 2012-2013.  The center provides training for Area Directors, Assistant Directors, Local Office Managers, and Case Work Supervisors employed by the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency in Essex, Union, Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic Counties.

Jing Peng (Computer Science, CSAM) received a subaward of $9,000 from the Research Foundation of SUNY, Albany, for his project “Kullback-Leibler Divergence Based Data Fusion for Target Tracking”  to further validate the algorithm for target tracking in infrared imagery.

Edina Renfro-Michel (Department of Counseling and Educational Leadership, CEHS) was awarded $118,837 of a $650,000 grant by the National Science Foundation for “Collaborative Project: Integrating Learning Resources for Information Security Research and Education (SECURE),” in concert with a team from NJIT and CUNY – Long Island. The project will develop a course search tool that can be integrated into online Security courses to help increase retention rates.

Alina Reznitskaya (Educational Foundations, CEHS) received $169,636, the first year of a subaward from the US Department of Education/University of Ohio, for “Dialogic Teaching: Professional Development in Classroom Discussion to Improve Students’ Argument Literacy.” This program will help foster teachers’ knowledge, skills, and expertise in how to conduct classroom discussions about text to promote students’ argument literacy.

Teresa Rodriguez (University Art Galleries, CART), has been awarded a New Jersey State Council on the Arts grant in the amount of $12,828 for “FY13 General Program Support.” This is the fourth and final year of this grant. The funds are being used for the ongoing support of the George Segal Gallery, which promotes culture and art through exhibitions and educational programs.

The National Institutes of Health awarded Stephanie Silvera (Health & Nutrition Sciences, CEHS) $137,618 for the first year of her project “Exploring Sociodemographic and Behavioral Factors Underlying Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Cancer Prevention Behaviors in New Jersey.” These disparities are explained, in part, by unequal access to cancer screening across socioeconomic and racial groups. These findings will serve to examine the complex interaction between socioeconomic status and health behaviors, and how they differ between non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic White, and Hispanics in New Jersey, which has one of the highest cancer rates in the nation.

Jedediah Wheeler (Arts and Cultural Programming, CART) received a general program support grant of $49,513 for fiscal year 2013 from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. The grant provides partial support for the presentation of Peak Performances annual programs and helps to increase audience participation in educational discussions, workshops, and collaborations.