Campus scene of Red Hawk statue and Kasser Theater.

Sigma Delta Pi

Nuestra misión

Fomentar y enriquecer el uso de la lengua y de las prácticas culturales Hispánicas.

Our Mission

To promote and enrich the use of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultural practices.

Nuestros objetivos

  1. Honorar a los que destacan en el estudio de la lengua española y en el estudio de la literatura y cultura del hispano-hablante.
  2. Honorar a los que han hecho contribuciones hispánicas en la cultura contemporánea en los países de habla inglesa.
  3. Animar a los estudiantes universitarios para que se interesen y entiendan en profundidad la cultura hispánica.
  4. Fomentar amistad y respeto mutuo entre los países de habla hispana y los de habla inglesa.
  5. Servir a sus socios de modo que contribuyan todos a la realización de las metas e ideales de la sociedad.

Our Objectives

  1. To honor those that excel in Spanish language, literature and cultural studies.
  2. To honor those that have made Hispanic contributions to the contemporary culture of English speaking countries.
  3. To promote in-depth learning and understanding of the Spanish language and culture by students and members of the community.
  4. To develop friendship and mutual respect between Spanish speaking and English speaking countries.
  5. To encourage all members of Sigma Delta Pi to contribute to the fulfillment of the goals and ideals set forth by the society.

Haga clic aquí para visitar el sitio del web nacional de Sigma Delta Pi / Click here to visit Sigma Delta Pi’s National website.

The Montclair State chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the Hispanic Honor Society, has been named for five consecutive years a Chapter of Honor. The extraordinary amount of extracurricular activities, community service programs, and extensive tutoring services provided to students by members of our local chapter were of key importance in the granting of this special award. In addition, members of the Executive Board of the local chapter, as well as the chapter’s faculty advisor, have been awarded individual honors.

Faculty advisor for Sigma Delta Pi, Chapter Delta Chi

Contacts: Prof. Antonella Calarota-Ninman, Ph.D.
