Decorative glass window with the Montclair State Shield on it.

Emeritus Faculty

Vincenzo Bollettino


Vincenzo Bollettino

Vincenzo Bollettino, professor of Spanish and Italian, received a PhD Comparative Literature, English and a PhD in Spanish from Rutgers University. His research interests include 20th century Latin American literature and 20th century Italian literature. He is the author of The Train Station published by Scripta Humanistica (2014).
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Joanne Engelbert



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Linda Gould Levine received a BA from New York University and an MA and PhD from Harvard University with a specialization in 19th and 20th century Spanish literature.  Her research interests include the contemporary Spanish novel, Spanish film, Spanish and Latin American women writers, and feminist literary criticism. She is the author of the books Isabel Allende (Twayne Publishers, 2002) and Juan Goytisolo: la destrucción creadora (Joaquín Mortiz, 1976), as well as two critical editions of Goytisolo’s novel, Don Julián (Cátedra,1985, 2004). She also is the co-editor of Spanish Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Source Book (Greenwood Press,1993), and co-author of Feminismo ante el franquismo: entrevista con feministas de España (Ediciones Universal, 1980). She has published over 45 scholarly articles, and was awarded the Montclair State University Distinguished Teacher Award in 2003 and the Montclair State Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award in 1989. She directed the Women’s Studies Program and was chair of the Spanish and Italian Department at Montclair State University, and is currently Professor Emeritus at Montclair State, and founder and director of Cruzando Caminos theater group.