Students programming in Scratch

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Robotics Lab students and mentor Dr. Weitian Wang, IEEE

IEEE NJ Section-Student Membership Initiatives

IEEE North Jersey Section and IEEE AP Society will offer membership fee compensation for Montclair Students

ABB Robotics seminar attendees group photo

Exciting ABB Robotics Seminar Engages Students

The IEEE Montclair Student Branch and Robotics Club hosted this event for it’s second year with a great response from students

Jordan Murphy with his poster at the ASME IMECE conference; Jordan's award certificate from the conference

Student Wins Two Awards at ASME IMECE 2024

Computer Science graduate student Jordan Murphy was recognized for his research, advised by Dr. Rui Li, at the 2024 ASME IMECE NSF Student Research Poster Competition

Dr. Wang with Rahul Thakkar holding the Best Paper Certificate with conference delegates

Research Team Win Best Paper at IEEE UEMCON 2024

Students Vaibhavi Tiwari and Rahul Thakkar worked with Dr. Jiayin Wang on the project

Dr. Weitian Wang presenting about the CRoSS lab

Robotics Professor Received IEEE Technological Innovation Award

Dr. Weitian Wang was recognized for his research and education contributions to robotics

Dr. Varde accepts best paper award at IISA conference for her work with Jyoti Yadav and colleagues Drs. Liu and Antoniou

Faculty and Student Research Group Win Best Paper at IEEE IISA 2024 Conference

Drs. Varde, Liu and Antoniou along with Data Science MS student Jyoti Yadav won for their work titled Audiovisual Multimodal Cough Data Analysis for Tuberculosis Detection

Dr. Aparna Varde with recent graduate Jyoti Yadav with their NJBDA Best Poster award

MS in Data Science Graduate Wins Best Poster at NJBDA

The poster was on Jyoti Yadav’s thesis work titled Ai in TB Detection on Medical Big Data with Health and Educational Impacts

students and their mentor with their first place awards at the RAISE-2024 Competition

Data Science Student Team Wins at RAISE Competition

The national competition sought to answer the question, “Does News Media Spread Fear of AI?”

Dr. Aparna Varde with best paper award at IEMTRONICS

Best Paper Awarded at IEMTRONICS

Dr. Aparna Varde earned the recognition presenting the work of her MS student Rafael Hidalgo

Dr. Liaquat Hossain in his office

New Director for School of Computing Arrives on Campus

We welcome the new Director, Dr. Liaquat Hossain

computer server rack

Enhancing Undergraduate Research Experiences in Cybersecurity and Privacy-Enhanced Technologies

June 3 – August 9, 2024 (10 Weeks, In-Person)

Male and female IT coworkers discussing graphics on a large digital board in an office

How I got started: Attack surface management

BS in IT alum Sara Lipala ’18 discusses her path in the cybersecurity field