over-the-shoulder view of student using scientific calculator

BS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics Overview

Applied Mathematics and Statistics are interdisciplinary fields linking mathematics with many areas of application including:

Join us as we solve real-world problems and make an impact in the world.

Chart showing multiple curves

COVID-19 disease model

colored cloud formation over rendering of globe

Transport of radioactive material

Applied mathematics is focused on developing mathematical methods and applying them to science, engineering, industry, and society. Mathematical topics include partial and ordinary differential equations, linear algebra, numerical analysis, computation, machine learning, operations research, discrete mathematics, optimization, control and probability. Applied mathematics uses mathematical modeling techniques to solve real-world problems.

Statistics is the science concerned with developing and studying methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data. It incorporates Data Analysis but goes beyond to understand uncertainty and variability in the data.

Statistics finds applicability in virtually every field with topics including:

Statistics uses statistical techniques and data analysis to solve real-world problems.

If you care about saving the world, if you care about making this planet a better place, there is not a field that you can go into where you can have a bigger impact …

Mac Hyman, applied mathematician and former president of SIAM


Navigating the Major

  1. Take core courses in applied mathematics, statistics, and computing with the Python programming language.
  2. Choose one application-area sequence with options in biology, chemistry, computer science, earth and environmental science, economics or physics.
  3. Choose one of three tracks: applied mathematics, mathematics of finance, or statistics.
  4. Satisfy the experiential learning component: internship or capstone project.
visualization of tidal flow around land masses

Santa Barbara Channel

hundreds of superimposed line graphs

Climate Data

More Information

For more information contact Dr. Eric Forgoston eric.forgoston@montclair.edu

If you were excited by what you learned about this program, apply today!