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News and Announcements

MS in Data Science Graduate Wins Best Poster at NJBDA

The poster was on Jyoti Yadav’s thesis work titled Ai in TB Detection on Medical Big Data with Health and Educational Impacts

Posted in: Awards and Recognition, Data Science, Students

Dr. Aparna Varde with recent graduate Jyoti Yadav with their NJBDA Best Poster award

Jyoti worked on this project with her thesis committee, Dr. Varde, Dr. Liu and Dr. Antoniou. External contributors also included Dr. Lei Xie from CUNY Hunter NY (and Weill Cornell Medical College NY) as well. This research focused on analysis of the CODA TB Challenge Data Set.

Jyoti will be joining NYU, New York University Tandon School of Engineering, for a PhD program in Biomedical Engineering.