Montclair State’s Radio Station WMSC Nominated for Eight National Broadcasting Awards
Posted in: School of Communication and Media News, WMSC 90.3 FM

WMSC “The Voice of Montclair State” is a finalist in eight 2023 Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) Awards categories, including Best College Radio Station (more than 10,000), Best Campus News and Best Live Music Broadcast.
These nominations come after awards and prestigious nominations the station earned in 2022, including four first place awards for “Best Special Broadcast, “Best Show Promos” and “Best Celebrity or Artist/Band Interview,” and 13 finalist awards, including the National Broadcasters Association Marconi Award. Here are the 2023 IBS nominations:
Best Live Music Broadcast “The Happy Fits – ‘Hold Me Down’ (WMSC Unplugged)”
Best Radio Drama “The Golden Record”
Best Logo “Identity Crisis Logo”
Best Campus News “Campus Sexual Assault Protest”
Best Program Promotion Video “Heavy is the Crown”
Best College Station in the Nation (universities of more than 10,000 students)
Best News Director – Hannah Cox
Best Business Director – Sabrina Hajsok
“ The WMSC team continues to deliver quality on and off-air work with content and leadership that resonates with our audience” said WMSC General Manager, Anabella Poland. “They are what every professor hopes their students to be, engaged, resourceful, and dedicated..”
Senior filmmaking major and office manager Sabrina Hajsok is nominated for Best Business Director for the second consecutive year. Hajsok thanks General Manager Anabella Poland, her assistant Aly Erario and station manager Ben Ptruk for pushing her to do her best.
“WMSC has been such a huge part of my life since my freshman year and I am truly grateful for all of the people, experiences, and memories I’ve made at this station,” said Hajsok. “I am sincerely grateful to have been nominated for this award again”
Senior Journalism and Digital Media major Hannah Cox is nominated for Best News Director. “I could not be up for consideration for Best News Director without the support from our news team and station,” said Cox. “Their belief and trust in me to direct news coverage and provide a public service keeps me going.”
Programming director Leslie Gallagher is a senior Communication and Media Arts major. She reflects on her years of experience at the station and shares great pride for the Best College Radio Station (more than 10,000) nomination for 2023.
“As a Montclair State University student, it fills me with so much pride to be able to have these opportunities,” said Gallagher. “WMSC provides us with valuable industry experience and being recognized like this helps us solidify that our hard work is worth it, and we are learning every day.”
In his junior year, WMSC booker JT Bethea is a finalist for two categories, including Best Campus News “Campus Sexual Assault Protest.”
“I ran out with my recorder and did my best with what I had, and I’m so happy with the resulting product,” said Bethea. He thanks his peers and colleagues, and General Manager, Anabella Poland for pushing him to be better.
Bethea and his co-host Terry Dickerson are nominated for Best Logo for “Identity Crisis,” their show that follows a person of color in America through news, culture, and entertainment. “Ever since I joined WMSC, there’s been nothing but a drive to be better and do my absolute best to improve my work on and off air.”
WMSC’s nomination for Best Live Music Performance comes from an episode of weekly live performance show, “WMSC Unplugged.” The nomination is shared amongst the station’s music and engineering teams who work in collaboration to showcase local artists in an intimate style.
Junior Television and Film major and music librarian Emily McCormack cites the WMSC music team as the place she got her start on Montclair State’s campus.
“A couple years ago, I sat in my room wondering if I was ever going to see live music again,” said McCormack. “I am grateful for the opportunity given to me by WMSC and Montclair State to work with such passionate people on a daily basis and have the chance to work with a talented up-and-coming local band like The Happy Fits!”
Animation major and recent graduate Kyle Pepitone is nominated for his improvisational and metal music show “Heavy is the Crown” for Best Program Promotion Video. Co-hosted by Emily McCormack, the show follows musicians who share esteemed artists in the metal scene, all while discussing their musical backgrounds.
“‘Heavy Is The Crown’ wouldn’t have been remotely possible without WMSC and Montclair State University as a whole. The station gave us the opportunity and a platform to host our show,” said Pepitone. “Hearing the news that the show was nominated for an IBS award was better than any metal song that’s ever been made!”
This is the fourth year at WMSC for Carley Campbell, the station’s production director and senior journalism major. Campbell is nominated for Best Radio Drama for the educational piece, “The Golden Record.”
“Seeing the title of my radio drama on the list surprised me beyond belief!” said Campbell. “Being part of the station gave me an opportunity to make a radio drama based on a real-life event that made me cry. Being able to tell this story for radio is an honor, and I am looking forward to the awards!”
The winners of the IBS Media Awards will be announced at its 83rd annual conference on February 25, 2023.