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News and Announcements

WMSC Radio Covers Montclair Film Festival

Posted in: School of Communication and Media News

Evelyn Colbert, Director Rob Reiner and Stephen Colbert

The recently completed fifth annual Montclair Film Festival had a distinctly local flavor to it, with the showing of the feature film “What Martha Said” by the film department instructional specialist Susan Skoog and nine short films by SCM film students.  But, also highly visible throughout the 10 day festival was the work done covering the event by WMSC, which had full access to featured celebrities, events and promotions, and reported extensively, through both articles and audio on its website –   Of special note are the following direct links:

A conversation with Rob Reiner.

A conversation with Patrick Wilson.

Newton Screening Q&A.

Interview with two-time Oscar winner and documentary icon Barbara Kopple.

Life Animated: Interview with Director Roger Ross Williams.