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Young Filmmaker Ken Spooner embodies School of Communication and Media Mission

Posted in: School of Communication and Media News

Feature image for Young Filmmaker Ken Spooner embodies School of Communication and Media Mission

Montclair State University’s School of Communication and Media makes this promise on its website: “Whether you want to make films, produce television programs, create strategic communication campaigns or take the internet by storm, our groundbreaking, cross-platform learning experiences will prepare you to play a role in the evolving world of communication and media.”

Many undergraduates in the school have taken full advantage of the ample opportunities offered to them.  They can be found developing skills and getting real world experience at leading and innovative new media companies throughout the New York metropolitan area.  A growing number alumni are becoming established in industry careers with media giants around the country.

Then, there are the entrepreneurial types. Ken Spooner, a 2013 graduate of the Broadcasting Department (now part of the School of Communication and Media) decided to take another route and open his own multimedia production company, SpoonyVision.   The company offers a full range of production services from pre-production services all the way through post production.  “I am a Filmmaker. I produce, direct, edit. I tell a story. It doesn’t matter if it is fiction, non fiction, narrative or documentary.”

His newest work is a documentary about boxer, Anthony Daniels, who is taking a somewhat unorthodox approach to battling his cancer.  The program, “To Be Strong,” which is available online at, chronicles the struggles of the 23-year-old Daniels, who has been undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkins Lymphona while continuing his training in the ring.

Spooner is unabashed in his praise of the education he received.  “Montclair State gave me tremendous opportunities, which allowed me to grow both as a person and a filmmaker.  Since graduation, I’ve been able to use every tool that MSU supplied me with.  My education prepared me for the real world because I had real experience.”  

During his undergraduate days, Spooner had the opportunity to travel to Austria, Italy and Jordan and learn how to tell stories through film.  “I learned everything I know [about visual storytelling] from Professor Steve McCarthy. He has been my mentor the last three years and without him, I would not be able to tell a story through picture and sound.”

I want to market myself as someone who can travel any place with my camera and produce powerful content.  I have Montclair State University to thank for that.”