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News and Announcements

University Authors Recognized for New Books and Media

Posted in: School of Communication and Media News

Feature image for University Authors Recognized for New Books and Media

The sixth annual reception for Montclair State University authors was held on April 22, 2014, in Sprague Library’s Periodicals Reading Room and faculty, staff and administrators gathered to recognize those who had recently authored books, or produced CDs or DVDs, and to browse through the displayed works.

“This year we have more than 40 entries, including books, a film DVD and music CD and, once again, they make an impressive and extraordinary display,” said Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Willard Gingerich, co-sponsor of the event together with Library Services Dean Judith Lin Hunt. “To each of our current authors and artists, congratulations, and to all our colleagues, we look forward to honoring you next year or some year soon.”

Faculty and staff from every college and school in the University as well as a number of departments produced the books and media on display and the works reflect the depth and range of the research and interests of the authors. New editions of text books and scholarly research works dominated the mix but there were also works of fiction, poetry and a children’s book.

A large group of authors and well-wishers were on hand to mingle and talk about the works. The reception provided the opportunity for everyone to see what their colleagues have produced and to catch up with those from other departments and colleges. As in past years, a booklet with a cover image and synopsis of each of the new works was available to take away.

The books are on display in the exhibit case in the lobby of Sprague Library until the end of May and copies of the booklet are available at the Library’s circulation and reference desks. All members of the University community are welcome to pick up a copy.

The booklet is also available online at the websites of the Provost and the Library, and can be viewed below.