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Filmmaker/Grad Praises Montclair State on HuffPo

And credits his television production professor Steve McCarthy for changing his life.

Posted in: School of Communication and Media News

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On November 15, a former student published a glowing story about his time at Montclair State learning video production and praised his instructor Steve McCarthy, a producer with decades of experience working for big media. Ken Spooner wrote on Huffington Post that the School of Communication and Media and its television and broadcasting curriculum was "the program that would ultimately change my life."

After detailing his need to transfer to a school closer to home following an illness, Spooner notes how he switched majors to something he was passionate about — and which Montclair State offered: broadcasting. Once in the program, he made a special connection:

Through the program, I met a professor named Steve McCarthy. He is a guy living an everyday adventure. I listened intently to him talk about producing for 60 Minutes, traveling the world and bringing stories to life through his camera. I knew I wanted that life for myself and I would do anything to make it happen. Even though I was a broke college student living on Easy-Mac and beer, I volunteered for any production work he had.

As the months went on, I proved myself. I showed up on time, worked hard and before I knew it, Steve asked me to be on his team to shoot and produce school-funded documentary projects overseas in Austria, Italy and Jordan. One of those films aired on NJTV last June. As a 22-year-old, I had my first film and television credit as a producer, shooter and editor. The camera took me places that I have never even dreamed of going. I had the opportunity to see part of the world, meet new people and experience new cultures. Production wasn’t a hobby anymore; it was turning into a career, a career that I love.


Read Spooner’s full post here.

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