After leaving RYTE Institute, our former students and staff go on to exciting positions and/or continue their education. Most discover a love and passion for research and evaluation that they take with them and apply in their careers. Following is a list of former RYTE Institute students and staff as well as information on their first position after graduating from RYTE Institute.
- Fadila Addaouki, BA. Master’s Student, Counseling, Columbia University
- Veronica Barrios, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Family Science and Social Work, Miami University (Ohio)
- Alyssa Bryne, MA. Research Associate, Center for Research and Evaluation in Education and Human Services, Montclair State University
- Marissa Burgermaster, MS, PhD. Post-Doctoral Researcher, Columbia University
- Dave Carucci, MEd. Math Teacher, Lyndhurst, NJ Public Schools
- Lisa Chauveron, MEd
- Wei-Lin Chen, PhD
- Elliot Cohen, BA. Master’s Student, School of Counseling, Montclair State University
- Larry Daffin, MA. Ph.D. Student, NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
- Michael Esposito, MA
- Lauren Gama, MA. Research Associate in RYTE Institute, Montclair State University
- Monica Glina, EdD. Director of Faculty Development, New York University; Adjunct Instructor, New York University & University of Virginia
- Rebecca Jensen, BA. Talent Coordinator, FanDuel, New York, NY
- Nadia Kwaja, MA, NCC, LAC. Clinician, COPE Center, Montclair, NJ
- Marisa MacDonnell, MA
- Ashley Molloy, ADN. Merit Institute of Allied Health
- Derek Morgan, MA. Michigan
- Kelly Panchoo, BA. Master’s Student, Public Policy, Drexel University
- Stephanie Phelan, MA. Affiliate Services Associate, STRIVE International, New York, NY
- Michael Puccio, BA. Master’s Student, Rutgers University School of Social Work
- Danielle Roberts, PhD
- Johanna S. Quinn, PhD
- Celina Santiago, BS. Master’s Student, Public Health, Johns Hopkins University
- Satabdi Samtani, Ph.D.
- Samantha Spencer, BA. Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate, Montclair State University; Teaching Assistant at Rebecca School, New York
- Victoria [Illnick] Swomley, MA. Social Services Professional, NJ