Get to Know our Lab Members, June 2016
Interested in joining the REDSS Lab? Read our lab member interviews to gain some insight into what it is like.
Posted in: REDSS Lab
Marisa MacDonnell started working at REDSS Lab in September of 2014. She heard about the lab while applying to doctoral programs. The former director of the PhD program in Family Studies, Dr. Caspi, put her in touch with Dr. Urban, co-director of the REDSS lab.
Acadia National Park and Bermuda are the coolest places she has traveled to. Marisa would “eat every single meal in my bed, if possible – but I don’t,” and loves to run, exercise, organize, and eat fancy donuts in her free time.
Marisa was really nervous about leaving her job to go back to school, and getting involved in the lab was the perfect compromise. She hoped to get evaluation experience that was a little more academic than the type of work she had been doing. Her favorite part about the lab is getting to work with a great team. Marisa said, “It has been awesome having people at all different stages of their academic career working on one project together.”