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RIGS - Research on Interdisciplinary Global Studies

May 7, 2024 11:00am-12:30am | Comparative Perspectives on Intelligence Oversight in Times of Transnational Impunity

Posted in: Resources

This roundtable brings together scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines to discuss the workings of Western intelligence and intelligence oversight over time and across different cases drawing on the recently published edited volume, Intelligence Oversight in Times of Transnational Impunity: Who Will Watch the Watchers? Conventional scholarly accounts have justified weak oversight structures and promoted only marginal adaptations of policy frameworks in the wake of intelligence scandals. Contributors to the volume, however, aim to recast intelligence oversight as acting in symbiosis with the legitimisation of the state’s secret violence and the enactment of impunity, showing how intelligence actors practically navigate the legal and political constraints created by oversight frameworks and practices, for instance by developing transnational networks of interdependence. Furthermore, roundtable participants weigh inventive legal steps and human rights mechanisms aimed at bridging some of the most serious gaps in existing frameworks, drawing inspiration from recent policy developments in the international struggle against torture.

For a recording of the session click here.


The event is organized by Research on Interdisciplinary Global Studies (RIGS) and GUARDINT. It is co-sponsored by the Departments of Justice Studies, Religion and Sociology.