Students enrolled in either PSYC 101, 203 or 301 are required to fulfill research participation for the course. These “credits” for participation are not in addition to the three credits earned for taking the course. They are credits needed to earn a grade in the course.
Participation in research studies and assignments allow students to experience research first-hand, aiding in learning about psychology. Most of all, participation is greatly appreciated by the researchers and may lead to findings that are important to others. This should be something of interest and respect to students who may become researchers somewhere along their academic journeys or careers.
Credits assigned for studies are dependent upon the length of the study. Duration of the studies is noted on the web-based sign-up along with a description of the studies available and their locations. Alternative assignments are also worth one credit unless otherwise noted. Alternative assignments are also available using the web-based sign-up procedure and change frequently throughout the semester.
Students who do not complete the Subject Pool requirement will receive an INCOMPLETE for the class. Failure to complete the Subject Pool requirement will be seen as failure to complete the class, hence the IN grade. The requirement can be made up in the following semester or session. The IN grade will turn to an F, per the university’s grading policy, so it is best not to let it linger.
Information for students enrolled in a current PSYC 101, 203 or 301 course is found here. Bookmark this site! There is a list of FAQ on it specifically for the Subject Pool.