Participants Needed – Muslim American Students Study
Posted in: News

Researchers in the Department of Psychology at Montclair State University are conducting a study to learn about Muslim American students’ experiences of discrimination on campus and in the community, and how these experiences might relate to students’ emotional well-being.
All Montclair State students who identify as Muslim American are invited to participate in an online survey by going to the following link:
If you choose to complete the 30-45 minute survey, you will be given the chance to enter your name, separate from the survey responses, for a drawing for one of five $100 Amazon gift cards.
Alternatively, participants who are in PSYC 101 (Introduction to Psychology) or PSYC 203 (Introduction to Psychological Research) can opt to receive 1 research credit for the Psychology Subject Pool.
If you want to know further about the current study, please contact Dr. Sarah Lowe at:
Please share this information with any Muslim American students you know and invite them to participate!
This study has been approved by Montclair State University’s Institutional Review Board (Protocol #IRB-FY16-17-397).